Today's Ticket spotlight shines on Norm Hitzges the only solo host of a ticket show. His show runs from 10-noon weekdays. Norm is the crusty old veteran of the ticket staff. He has been in sports media for ages. When the Killer was a kid he use to watch Norm doing the color commentary on Texas Ranger games on HSE (Home Sports Entertainment). Norm is a certified Radio Hall of Famer who brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and most importantly credibility to the ticket's borderline wheels off lineup.
Norm's only on air voice besides himself is that of his producer. Every now and then Norm will get the Board Op to chyme in, but for the most part it is all Norm and his producer. Norm recently got a new producer as his longtime buddy and producer Friedo was promoted to assistant program director. Norm's new producer is the guy who served up Barry Bonds his 756th home run, Mike Bascek (<- Mispelled so sue me). Norm is the only guy on the ticket who keeps it all sports all the time. Norm is a an old school pioneer of the craft who is an expert oddsmaker, better, picker or whate have you. His specialty is horse racing. You can often find Norm out at Lone Star Park conducting intro to horse racing classes, and betting on the ponies.
Norm is the only guy on the ticket who doesnt rely on bits. He has a popular segment called picks of the poll where he goes over his horse picks, football picks, basketball picks, etc. Perhaps Norms best segment is one that he does only once a year, and that is the Normathon. This is where Norm goes on the air at 6 in the morning, and stays on the air all day and night until midnight to raise money for the Austin Street Homeless Shelter. He rolls out big big big name guests for this event. Guests include Roger Staubach, Troy Aikman, Mark Cuban, Tom Hicks, Devid Feherty, Pat Summerall, Jerry Jones, Tony Romo, Mike Modano, Brett Hull, Mike Doocy, and all the other big Dallas names.
Norm's website
Norm's latest book
Classic Ticket Audio of Norm and Greggo Arguing
Classic Norm
Norm monkey (funny)
Norm singing at Ticketstock with Gordon Keith. Also a Bronze League tie in here as the owner of Tomcast (the Tomcast Senators) is playing the drums on this song.
A Few Words On Healthcare
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