The Indians fell to the Stingers who continue to remain undefeated this season. The Stingers in fact, dominated the Indians. Bronze League all star goalie Ryan Kelly is out the rest of the season due to a recent shoulder surgery (Get well Ryan!), and the Birdman, Kacy Bird, is stepping in for the time being. Looks like the bees were too much for the birdman to handle.
The Senators took the Bandits, however the Bandits did manage to beat their goal total for the entire season in this one game. Close battle 6-5 Sens.
The Jags handled business against the Silver Bullets, 6-2.
The Kings dismantled the Monkeys 7-1. And in other Monkeys news, the Monkeys have already declared their final regular season tilt a forfeit due to Halloween related activities. So the Monkeys and Bullets regular seasons are all wrapped up.
The Monkeys secured the #7 seed in the playoffs, and will be awaiting either the Kings or Indians in the first round. The Indians beat the Kings 1-0 in their only head to head match up, so in the event both teams win or both teams lose this weekend, the Indians will get the tie breaker.
The #3,4,5, and 6 seeds are still up in the air. The #3 seed with either be the Indians or Kings no matter how it shakes up. The Bullets are finished with a 5-5 record and ten points. The Sens play the bees, so if form holds true, the Sens will finish 4-6 with 8 points. The Jags face the Kings, and its anyones game. Kings will want to win, and the Jags are looking strong.
Who knows how things will end.
Now on to graduation talk. Several Bronze Leaguers have made the jump up to the Silver League which is a great sign that the Bronze League is actually developing players. Who else will make the jump up once the season is over?
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Karma sez -
Let's publish the names of those brave souls and their new team so we can hand out kudos to those moving on. And perhaps shame a few hanger ons....
Karma salutes you! Good luck.
haha gee i wonder what team will be mentioned on here that needs to move up lol?? I say kudos to the Senators for moving guys up to silver league! Even though they have not been a dominate team in the league they still recognize the players in a different skill level and move them up regardless of what the teams record has been. good job guy, others should follow your lead.
Mulvey leaves the Stingers.
Stingers go undefeated.
Coincidence? I think not.
Mulvey was the only thing keeping those guys "Bronze"
Hats off to those Sens that are moving up. Other teams should look at their own rosters and do the same. If you need help I'm sure the BLOG will supply some names.
I hate the Stingers, what a bunch of douche bags. They have a tubby bitch trying to play forward and gets winded hopping over the boards, a guy who has to tape his skate to his ankles because he's built like a toothpick, A guy the size of a garden gnome, a coach that was around for the last supper, and a guy who looks Like Hockey Jesus but can't even walk on frozen water. They always push me around and tell me I'm ugly and can't read good. Screw those guys!
can't read well*
bus sens
haha size of a garden gnome...good commentary
I have a nomination for a player who needs to move up -Gaydos on the Jags !! What a puss !!
nah Zach is cool. he skates fast so he plays defense. there are others more deserving of calling out but i'll leave that to anonymous, whoever that is.
Rick #22 Ice Kings
Don't you mean GAYdos.
No, I think it's more like
I cannot think of all the names of the players who have made the move up to the silver league, however the Indians, Sens, Bullets, Kings, Bandits, and Monkeys have sent or currently have players in the D-league. The two teams missing are the Jags and Stingers. I will throw out kudos to Steve Meek who is subbing on the Blazers. Hey it is really great to see the Silver league being invaded by us "i-leaguers". Lets keep on invading. Its a great time. We do have several bronze teams working with Silver teams Indians/Indians, Kings/Kings, Senators/Blazers. If you are interested in checking out the league hollar at me, Chad, or Knute. We will get you in as a sub or even a full timer. If your team is thinking of partnering with a Silver league team we can make that happen too. Good luck. Hey if my slow fat arse can do it, so can you.
Blazer #10
Zach does not miss a shot on goal. The net cowardly dives out of the way.
I wouldn't mind subbing in the Sliver League, since no one wants to pick me up, plus this Jags team has only been together for this 1 season
FYI, Ryan had surgery on both legs.
S/F 19
ok really i really don't get you guys, REALLY! you are supposed to be grown men!!! all i see with these comments that you guys post is a bunch of sissy little girls that does nothing but whine all the time!!!! and with those anon comments about Zach, GROW UP!!!!! to be honest it hurts me that you guys are talking about him like that!!!! i've known Zach since high school and he's nothing but a sweetheart and just wants to play hockey!!! just back off guys! you're the ones who are just a bunch of douche bags that does nothing but whine!!! it's HOCKEY!!!! it's JUST A F****** GAME!!!!! it's not like you're playing to impress scouts that are observing to move you up to the NHL!!!! thank you Rick for defending him!!! like he says, he just skates fast and plays how he's supposed to play!!! just back off!!! i'm done with this bullshit!!!
Wow Ivana could you bitch more?
not anymore than you guys do all together!
at least I dont cheap shot people because I cant catch them ;)
I have to say I agree. Zach may have had a beef with some of the Stingers bit I always enjoy playing aginst him. If I can get the pick past him or poke check the pick away from him I feel like I have accomplished something. I don't care what you all say but playing against him has only made me better.
That's cause you do all the 'catching'
enough with all the Anonymous gay jokes you bunch of pussies. you want to talk shit then post your name so i can beat your ass next time i see you fucking cowards
-Roger should be manditory to post your name if you are going to talk crap about/to somebody
-Anonymous bad ass #9
Seriously guys, you want to talk crap on here then back it up on the ice. Its pathetic that grown men can act so immature... Very cowardly that you can only talk shit behind an anonymous post too.
btw its not me posting that crap about you Zach. Not my style. I admit I was fustrated that I couldnt beat you to the puck all game,but I know that its just cause I skate like an old man who needs to quit smoking.Good luck in the future seasons boys & girls,Im out. Steve Mc-Bullets #3
Ha Ha Haaaaaa! Wow, I see the love didn't last long....
I like the fact that there is at least SOME talk of people "graduating" from the Bronze league.
I for one will be trying to hang in the Silver league. I subbed in one game so far and felt really out of place. I touched the puck maybe 4 or 5 times in the whole game. I managed an assist, but it was only because of the fact that when I got the puck, I looked up, saw Knute barrelling down at me, freaked and threw the puck up ice. It happened to go right to our guy for a breakaway goal.... Hopefully, I will adjust in time. Oh by the way, we got pummelled 11 - 3.
Let's all look at what this Bronze league really is for a second. It is supposed to be a league where a beginner can come in and learn the game, get better and eventually move up to a higher league. Well, sad to say it, but I think the jump from Bronze to Silver is too large of a gap.... Sorry. I feel it is the truth. If a Gold leaguer is going to be allowed to play in the Silver league where there is going to potentially be Bronze league players trying to make the jump it is not going to work. The talet level is too far apart. You think it is bad now...
I think that with the addition of a fourth league, the jump to the next level would be far more manageable. From NYTEX's standpoint they will probably cite a lack of players to make that work, but as long as there are only 3 leagues, the difference in talent level at any one of the levels is going to be extremely noticable. With 4 leagues, players would be able to play in thier two leagues like they do now, but with one stipulation, you can only play "down" one level. That way NYTEX gets the revnue from one player in two leagues.
Sorry for the long winded rant, but I like playing at NYTEX and have made some good friends there and would like to continue playing there. I just hope we all can come up with a workable solution that will even out the playing field for all those involved.
Stingers #27
My God Ivana, show up in my bedroom with some of that intensity, would ya! We could have a lot of fun!!!!
Yes the jump to the Silver League is a pretty big one. Nytex has 28 teams in three leagues. Not bad for one sheet of ice. I think that the Bronze League is hands down the best run league up here. The Gold League is ringer free since all players are ringers, and its the highest level league, there cant be any bitching about ringers.
The Silver League is caught in the middle. There are gold leaguers playing down, and bronze leaguers playing up. It makes it frusterating for sure for guys to move up and not be able to handle the puck for long. But it shold make you work harder, the Silver league moves way faster, and there are not really any people who cant skate out there. It is a big jump, but the number of bronze leaguers over the past couple seasons to move up is amazing.
next season promises to be the best yet for the bronze league. If we quit all the bullshit personal annonomous attacks on the blog, and focus in on the positives the nytex Bronze League will remain the #1 developmental hockey league in North Richland Hills.
This is a trolling paradise.
We might talk a lot of shit but atleast we dont take it up the shit. If you get what Im sayin.
Steve Meeks #27 Stinger: Very well put. At a minimum I think that Nytex should have a draft party to spread the talent across to each team I know many teams want to play with friends, family, and relatives....but maybe Nytex could start by having 50% of the team selected as keeper players and the other 50% would have to be selected during draft party which could be held at ZuRomas. I hope to see the Ice Kings vs. Stingers in the Bronze League Championship. It has been a fun Bronze League season. Many players play down also because they are wanting more ice time. Friday and Saturday nights work best for the ones that have a normal work schedule. Without the second sheet of ice it appears that January and February will be used for Bramaha games forcing Bronze and Silver league to play during the week. This will defintely effect at Nytex.
FYI: I played 1 game of I League with the Spider Monkeys September of 2008 and went to Silver League with the Warriors. Now coordinating the Ice Kings D League team I decided to skate down in I League again to scout for players to move up to D League and also get more ice time.
Sorry but a draftdumbs non realistic idea. You suggest telling guys you don't get to play with your friends and sorry you spent money on those nice jurseys now buy another one. That won't fly with anybody. If this is such an issue then tell Nytex to nut up and not allow certain players to play in certain leagues. That's the only real solution. They are leaving it up to us to police ourselves instead of running their league.
Nytex could provide jerseys. Rent them out and include in league fee. These our ideas I am putting out there as I have spoke to other coordinators that do agree with these ideas. And you are correct the coordinators would have to come to agreement and bring idea to Knute Anderson.
The Senators did police their team, and get move up their players who should be playing in the D League. It seems we were the only ones that did this. Some teams even went the opposite direction and brought guys in that should be up.
Supplying jerseys and renting them out to teams is a good idea in general, but your not gonna get 100% of the teams to participate. Same thing with the draft, I had suggested that a while back, and was met with resistance. The Keller Indians are all tied into the Keller ISD with most players being parents of Keller kids. It wouldnt make any sense to break that up, and send in a bunch of outsiders.
The coordinators of this league have done a great job of policing their teams this season. It has by far been the best season on record. Next session it can only keep getting better.
Only thing I would encourage every team to do is move guys up that need to be moved up, and make more room for the true beginners to get in more ice time. And make sure all your players are in good standing with the rink. Nytex allows a three week grace period for teams to get all their payments in.
All in all though, the Bronze is looking good.
Very constructive blog this week Chad / Senators. I myself am not a I League player but do play I League to assist the players below me and to get more ice time. As you can see my stats I have more assists then I do goals. My two goals were at the high slot. I look forward to the Bronze League Playoff's There will be some exciting competive games coming up. Maybe Ice Kings vs. Stingers in the final. :)
What a load!
I, me, my....
Who annoited you hockey god who decends upon the league to reach out and lay your magic touch apon those worthy to recieve it. Passing out assist like candy on Halloween....dude, let me let you in on a little secret....YOU ARE NOT THAT GOOD AND SKATING IN D LEAGUE DOES NOT MAKE YOU AN EXPERT. It simply means you had the money to pay for a fee!
Get over yourself! Your crap talk about chairity work at the Bronze league on makes you look like an even bigger Ass......
Anonymous is back to bassing #99. Keep bashing. BTW - This is also Michael Myers the "Boogie Man" talking to you. Happy Halloween. See you on the ice. Prediction Ice Kings vs. Stingers on the final. Both teams have taken a let's see how it plays out. Good luck Anonymous (whoever you are - whatever team you play for.).......:)
#99 - Ice Kings
Anonymous - TRICK or TREAT!!!
Happy Halloween.......
Don't let the "Boogie Man" get you.
Got some tricks and treats to show in playoffs. :)
You're such a fag.
Are you hitting on us?
lots of haters out there. It seems funny we keep getting players and teams from other rinks. Seems maybe the grass isn't so green on the other side. This league is a lot of fun and most of us tip back the beers at Zu's. Our goal should be two players move up and recruit two new players in. If we get more players NYTEX will kick those ball chasing idiots out of the Taco Dome and give us our west rink back. With the large number of true d-league players maybe NYTEX will finally add the fourth league. Rock on Boys its playoff time
Sens #8
Fred Walters #8 / Senators: I am with you Fred all the way on your last comment. All these whinners and non-payers at the Nytex rink has effected things causing West rink not to be put back in this Winter. Non-paying players need to stay home and eat Twinkies on the coach. There are plenty of players that want to play hockey and not complain and willing to pay league fees.
gaydos 19 said ...
at least I dont cheap shot people because I cant catch them ;)
You did last week. Nice overhead slash in the 3rd.
Yeah, after getting cheap shotted about 5 times previously you expect me not to retaliate? Don't like it so much do you? I don't play dirty or even remotely physical until somebody thinks it's a cute idea to throw an unnecessary slash/body check/cross check/punch in the face/trip. Its hockey and I understand that but what you douche bags don't understand is that there is a difference between being aggressive and going after the puck and being downright stupid and trying to hurt someone because your hurt ego can't take that someone else is better/faster/stronger/more skilled than you. Instead of being a whiny baby and playing like an angry little child, practice and get better. Maybe people will respect you more.
This anonymous trash talk is annoying. Get over yourself and at least post your name.
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