I took a few minutes to comb over the record books today at lunch. League Lineup may not be the best website for a hockey league, and we all know that refs are famous for missing assists and what not. However, based on the past four seasons which are archived in league lineup I have compiled a list of all time records along with a little where are they now as to the record holders:
Most goals in a single season:
Mac Donovan (Senators)-25-Spring 09
Career goals:
Mac Donovan (Senators)-43
Career Assist:
Steve Meek (Stingers)-21
Most assists in a single season:
Kyle Saylor (Hurricanes)-13-Spring 09
Most points in a single season:
Mac Donovan (Senators)-37-Spring 09
Penalty Minutes in a single season:
Michael Hvidston (Arc Angels)-32-Spring 09
Goals Against Average:
Ryan Kelly (Hurricanes)-1.36-Spring 09
More Goalie records will be coming down the pipe shortly. Currently records for goalies are being shattered by Dana Felini of the Stingers who is on pace to set a single season save % record (.936 right now).
Mac Donovan is now playing with the Blazers in the Silver League. Hvidston is with the Kings in the Silver League and Bronze League, and next season will be only in the Silver League. Ryan Kelly is on the IR, Kyle Saylor is skating up with the Silver League Kings, and Steve Meek is with the Stingers and subbing in with the Blazers in the Silver League.
This is all just in case you ever wanted to know.
Most championships belongs to the Stingers with 3 or is it 4 someone correct me on that.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
The Stingers have 3 titles.....
I did not play for the Arc Angels in Spring of 09. Who said I was not playing Bronze league afer this season? It appears there are some mistakes in this blog that need to be corrected.
Wait stingers have three titles and they're still in I league?
I think they did it with three different lineups.......
Why worry about it, anyways?
Take all these records with a grain of salt - and it's somewhat irresponsible to post them as official, even with the referee disclaimer.
The referees don't report assists, the "official scorers" are texting their boyfriends half the time, don't know what a shot on goal is, don't have the perspective from that box to correctly determine a shot on goal, have added assists to pad their playing boyfriends stats, don't care about being correct or accurate (no responsibility or accountability), do I really need to do on.
Posting these numbers and thus validating that stats even matter further goes against the theory behind an I-League in the first place. There are winners and losers, yes, that's the nature of sport, but to post this information as gospel and name all-time leaders based on an imperfect system is just stupid.
Monkeys #24
I am not proud of having the most PIM. 2 - 10 minutes penalties were given out by ref's that I use to play hockey with (Strothers, Baty, and Pike). So it would appear that there may be conflict of interest on the ice.
the scorekeepers write down whatever the ref tells them as far as scoring. Sometimes a player may be wearing a different number on their jersey than the coordinator has on their roster. Sometimes a player forgets his normal jersey and has to borrow one from a team mate. I understand that stats can be less than perfect. Even in the pro ranks stats are often missed. Jason Deitsch from the Brahmas had two assists last season with the Houston Aeros that did not get counted. Seems insignificant, but those two points would have made him look that much more valuable in keeping on their AHL roster instead of being sent back down to Texas.
I disagree with the Spider Monkeys Comment about stat keeping. If we dont keep stats, why bother to even keep score. If we didnt keep stats, a player like Mac Donovan would still be playing in the bronze league, and would still be frusterating players. The fact that he did as well as he did in two seasons alerted management that he needs to move up. Now he is not allowed to play down in Bronze.
We are all in teh Bronze League to have fun, and learn to play the game. The all time stats are there just FYI, just so you know.
Reffing and stat keeping are things that are bitched about in all levels of the game. Dont worry about the stats, just focus on your team and working together to achieve the ultimate goal of the Stanley Keg
Wait The Stingers have 3 titles and they're still in I-League... No wonder they're 9-0!
They keep paying their league fees at the I League level, and Nytex keeps taking it. They are down to one sheet. They would probably take a AA team from the old Valley Ranch DPSC if they paid their fee.
The StarCenter keeps looking better and better.
To all those crying litttle bitches that think the Stars Center is "looking better and better" go on over there if that's what you think. The ringer situation is worse over there than it is over here. Of course they also have a blog that you can post all of your bellyaching cry baby comments about how you suck at hockey (and life for that matter) and how everyone is so much better than you. So go on pussies, run off to the Stars Center.
Killer -
I'm fine with stats being kept, just don't like that it's a less than perfect system and by default has to be accepted as gospel. My original post came off as more of an attack than intended, a fatal flaw in electronic communication. It is what it is, and as long as people don't get hung up on it, it's all good.
Monkey #24
I like keeping stats it fun to look at and say i have this and this even on teams we have little compititions to see who can do better. I think the score keeping at nytex sucks though. i understand players wearing different jerseys and not getting credit for there goals but in one game i scored a goal and the scorekeepre put it down as 2 goals and then gave them to a player that wasnt even on the ice that night. Thats just not paying attention to what they are supposed to be doing. I also got credit for playing two games that night.
#10 Bullets
if ya'll want i can talk to mike lee aboiut all this and get any problems or concerns fixed
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