This is the super short recap. I figure there will be 100-150 responses, so why bore you with all the tedious details from one guys point of view.
Basically the weekend went like this. The Silver Bullets shut out the Bandits 3-0. The Birdman was flying high, and Mcnamara's lessons with Matt Burto have been paying off. See people lessons can help!
The Stingers remain unbeaten through 5 contests. Big ups go out to Josh Briscoe. 4 goals and an assist. That is sick playing. Very impressive.
The Indians have turned their team around. After losing the first two games, they have won their last three, and now sit at 3-2.
And the Senators beat the Ice Kings. Yes that is right the sens beat the Ice Kings 6-3. Kings were suffering from a light bench.
So midway through the season Meeks and Widmann are your scoring leaders, the Stingers are 5-0, and the Bandits are 0-5. So the Killer has just a few questions to be answered in these final 5 games:
1) Will the Bees stay unbeaten?
2) Will Keller finish out the season 8-2, and take the #2 seed?
3) Will the Bandits win one game?
4) Will Keller defend their Keg?
5) Will Hvidston ever man up, observe the retirement of the #99, and switch to a new number?
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Chad #26 (Senators): I don't think it would matter what number I would wear. #99 was retired in NHL. This is not NHL or even minor league. Where were you Saturday night? Past your bed time? :) Half our team was home in bed sleeping while I was skating most of the game center and defense. Congrats on your win Saturday night. Don't think the Indians will be able to retain the keg. The Ice Kings are thirsty.
I was out of town on an annual hunting trip, sorry to miss the big game. It really is your perogative to wear the #99. Your right its not the NHL, but by you wearing an LA Kings #99 with your name on it, and a Captains C, you are making a statement that you dont respect the great one.
This session hasnt gelled well with my travel schedule, so I have only been able to make two games. Hoepfully we will meet again in the playoffs, and you guys will have a deeper bench.
The C is cover in I League as I am not the team captain. I am the captain / coordinator for the Ice Kings D League team. If I was to change my number it would not make a difference as there would be something else to complain about me on here. I guess hunting is more important than hockey. Hockey comes first for me even with the injurys I have gotten in the past month. Keep up the good work with I League. :)
I played the entire second half of last season with a torn meniscus. Hockey is very important to me, but I do gon a hunting trip once a year with my friends.
If we meet again in the playoffs I can promise you the only thing I will be hunting is you (ha ha).
But seriously, I was pissed that I had to miss the game against the Kings. I love playing against Bill Ivey, cause he goes all Bobby Knight from behind the bench. He gets to fired up. I love listening to him yell, cracks me up every time.
i just wanna say that for the ice kings to play a game with like seven players verses a shoulder to shoulder senators line up i was really really really impressed how the ice kings played. they got three goals on them and i know that was not an easy task. proud of the victory the bullets and i gained from the bandits. hopefully we can get another win verses the monkeys. good luck everyonr for next week.
I'd like to say we would win at least one game. But with 2 games against both the Stingers and Indians and one against the Senators who knows.
I would also like to compliment the Jags on their new jerseys.
Turner #13 Silver Bullets: Thanks for the nice comment. We were missing our young players. The 7 players that played Saturday night were 47 years of age or older. We had to double shift at times. Dump the puck and aloow them to bring it back to conserve energy. Majority of the players on the Senators bench were much younger. Full bench would have changed the outcome of the game. We will get the Senators next time. And yes... Bill Ivey does get pretty vocal on the bench. He is a great coach. :)
As far as #99 going never may happen.....:)
I was so happy to see the Senators take it to the Kings like that. Just goes to show you, move the puck and you will be successful. However, Hvidston, shoving a person half your size around at the end of the game was pretty weak; regardless of what he said to you (which I heard was just a good game anywhoo).
Highlight of the Game: 00 deking around #99 and putting it top shelf with a backhand. Was sickness.
Yeah, that did kinda put a rusty patina on what was otherwise a cool game on both sides.
Having said that 68, can you at least teach that dude how to stop? Please? He was faster than hell in a straight line, but when he tried to turn or stop, he would just lose it. Usually taking someone with him. =)
I know its the I League and all, but he took me out on the boards once. I dont need another sprained MCL. I've already sat out one season for that. =)
*tongue in cheek font on*
Alright folks? Any of you hypocrites gonna demand that the Sens bust up their full bench and redistribute to the rest of the league? :P
*tongue in cheek font off*
I hope not. I had a damn good time going 7 on 16. I'd love to have that shoulder to shoulder bench for every game. Things would get exciting!
Anyone get the final shot count? I know they were both in the 20's the last time I looked up.
See ya next time.
#2 Kings
The cat in the green helmet is the one I meant.
Fun game vs the Bandits, the score was 3-0 but I felt like the game was closer then that. They will be a team to worry about soon.
I left early so I didnt get to see the Kings game, but from what I hear the Kings were big babies at the end of the game.
The new jags jerseys are pretty sexy looking.
I don't think he should learn to stop as his crazy acrobatics got him around people and into position faster than I've seen anyone in I-League. , and I didn't see him take anyone out, most of the time he would just be falling by himself.
However, Darin full on checking him into the boards twice did seem a bit unnecessary.
I'll give you one questionable, but I was looking at the second one from 10 feet away. Green went into the corner hard and took a wierd bounce off the boards (I remember thinking " now that is gonna hurt tomorrow") and into Daring. At that point physics takes over on a frictionless surface and instant board cluster.
He keeps going that hard into the boards without sloowing down he's gonna catch an edge on that rotten ice at the edges and *BOOM*, either that or wind up with some lardass 280 pounder (I closely resemble that remark) falling on him.
To his credit, He did check me out (you good man?) after he took me out. Bravo Sir!
He was fun to watch though.
The answer is no to all . . .
1. Classic choke artists
2. Too inconsistent
3. Can't score = Can't win
4. See #2 (This is the only possible yes as Kelly is unbelieveable in goal)
5. This will not even be dignified with an answer, the more we talk about he who should not be mentioned, the more he gets off on it
zach gunter is on the trading block.
I will give you a hug for him.
Monkeys will trade for him. I have a player i'll gladly give you for him.
I'm gonna tell you right now...zach is not going anywhere.
Bus sens
I'll give you 3 pucks and a Mike Modino rookie card for Zack?
From #99....
"Half our team was home in bed sleeping while I was skating most of the game center and defense."
"Hockey comes first for me even with the injurys I have gotten in the past month."
"The 7 players that played Saturday night were 47 years of age or older. We had to double shift at times."
"Full bench would have changed the outcome of the game"
Hey #99, I've got one word for you...
Why can't we be friends... Why can't we be friends... Thats all I remember of that random 70's song......
I can't believe it no Stinger talk this week.... Hurray!!!!.
Halfway home lets turn and burn. FYI I am playing Golf in the Brahma's classic this Saturday. If you thought watching CJ "Green Helmet" was fun, you should see me play golf. Anyhow If anyone is interested, I think there are still openings, give Chad a hollar.
Sens #8
I think #99 is recuperation from his butt whooping on Friday, he's been very quiet. Or he's waiting for UPS to deliver his new jersey with the #1 on it (to feed his ego).
I dont think a 6-3 win over 7 players is anything to go crazy over. You guys thought you won the cup or something.
And yep, Mr green helmet is a dangerous player, and not in a good way. He has potential but needs to lay off the baseball swings. Make sure your wearing a full shield when playing against him.
7 players? Well atleast now the Queens know how half the teams in this league feels like when they play their shoulder to shoulder bench. Queens also showed their true colours after the game with their poor sportsmenship. Only reason 99 hasnt posted is cause he is still crying.
...Stingers are bitches...
#99 posted a couple times above.
Sounds like 12:24 got beat by the "Queens". How did it feel. Bitch.
I imagine it felt somewhere along the lines of the way the Kings felt after the Senators game.
well actually im an unrestricted free agent.
Zach Gunter. no team :(
so yeah if anyone has any good offers let me know. haha
ok Zach, I didnt want to put this offer on the table just yet, but you have left me with no choice. I will dance with you if you join our team. I dont want to toot my own horn but I am a pretty good dancer. Just ask Perry he knows lol...
My offer is a simple one. You'll get two more games against the Stinger. We play them this week and again 2 weeks later, With the Indians in between.
"7 players? Well atleast now the Queens know how half the teams in this league feels like when they play their shoulder to shoulder bench."
A break, please. I did three sessions with the Arc Angels. We know all about the short bench.
And its sportsmanship. *SIGH*
Bring on the rest of the season. Let's see what shakes out. Most important, though, have fun.
Identified for your ridicule as always,
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