I got a string of text messages from Bronze Leaguers late Saturday while I was out at the ranch - they all simply said "Tech Sucks"
I agree with you all, Tech sucked Saturday and even though it wasn't the best message, glad to hear from all of you. Living in West Bumfock I miss hockey, and I miss my friends!
Not sure if this will be taken as a threat or a promise, but I'm going to try to play in at least 2 games before the end of the season...
And BTW, Carter, Briscoe and Martin... There's still hope for a Hully and Mo's trip, although even through my red-and-black colored glasses, it doesn't look good...
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
As long as the burnt orange, and the purple teams win, me no care about that Tech team. =P
Just bring it!!!!
In the words of the great Paulie
"I don't sweat you"
Great to hear from you. Let us know when your in town. we need to throw back a coupple of cols brews.
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