After mulling the many comments on this board the Killer has determined that A) the Bronze league is reading. B) There is a need to revamp. C) the draft idea is riddled with problems, and met with massive ammounts of resistance.
So looks like the A/B Division thing is as good as done. It will be for the good of the league. Now the only problem this league has is the whole sub issue. We have too many folks playing multiple games with multiple teams. It wouldnt be a big deal if those folks were paying a sub fee of say $15 or $20 a game. But that is for another day. For now lets see what an A and B division might look like:
Bronze League
A Division
2-Ice Gators
3-Keller Indians
B Division
1-Mid Air
2-Arc Angels
3-Silver Bullets
4-Spider Monkeys
* providing these two teams can get enough paid people on their roster prior to seasons start to actually form a team.
^In the event that these two teams cant get enough players to form a squad, their rosters would have to be swallowed up by the other teams in the league to help make the league stronger. This would eliminate some of the roster chaos that plagues this great league.
There would be 12 games in the regular season, you would play each team in your division two or three times depending on how many teams in your division there are. If there are four teams in both divisions you would play each other three times, and then each team in the other division once.
This is just an initial assessment, but looks like the Bronze League has spoken and ch ch ch changes are on the way.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Just out of curiosity, how do you crown a league champion? Is it going to be one for each division?
Well if this happens, to see who is champion just have the first place team from each division play a series or something. BUT this will never work out and neither will getting "ringers" out of the league. There is no sign in system, or anything to tell who is who. If I wanted to I bet I could have played a couple of games without ever paying at all. Just put on a jersey from the team and sub in. Easy as that. To have anything change there needs to be some sign in system or some way of tracking who is actually playing.
FYI, It has always been a rule that current PAID players can sub for 1 team per night, ALL subs must either be PAID players in the league OR pay a 20 dollar fee! NO ONE is supposed to be skating for free! I can show you the league rules the team managers came up with over a year ago in a meeting with Russ & Jeff. This is the responsibility of the team managers! We all know who is playing for free but we all just look the other way! furthermore teams can only sub players up to the same number of player on the opposite bench! Example: if the stingers have a goalie and 14 skaters then the Jags can only sub players up to that number! Say what you want about Knute, Jeff or Russell at least they tried to do the right thing. We the players ruined this league and it is our job to try and fix it.....
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