Fellow Hockey lovers...
I would like to collect ideas for next season in the Bronze League.
We already have the A/B divisions in the hopper to bring up with Knute, but I wanted to gather ideas from all of you to discuss to make our league and rink a better place to play and have fun.
Please post your thoughts so the coordinators can get them on the list for discussion.
I can't say they will all be adopted, but at least they will be discussed.
Beastie, Monkeys #33
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Hmmm, how bout skimpely dressed ice girls to skate between whistles......just sayin
I think the split league idea is not a bad idea in the aspect of leveling the playing field, but imagine this... playing the same 4 other teams for an entire season?? That means, at this point in the season.. you will have already played the other teams in your division, and are starting to cycle back through again. I dont know about everybody else... but I'm already bored thinking about it. The only thing that's going to fix this league is integrity, teamwork, and a desire to help others develope their skills. (Rarities I know) I know there was some negative comments about "hockey whoring" earlier on.. but why not take some of the players from the better teams, and invite them to play on the lower teams occasionally. (To help and teach, not as a ringer) Thats where the integrity comes in. Bringing in a "A list" player, who will make good passes and not just score goals. I'm not one of the best.. my skating is improving, but I've got a good shot, and can make good passes (when I'm paying attention) and I'll volunteer myself right now, to play on the Jaguars or Arc Angels this saturday to try and get them a win. Anybody else??
Dave Anderson #9 Ice Gators
PS- can we get some warm-up music??
I understand the reason you would bring on an upper level player, to make passes, assist the weaker players and such. The problem is, from the standpoint of the other team you never really get the feeling you can fairly win the match. While the advanced player might not run the score up, I'm sure his competative instict would take over late in the 3rd as a true I leaguer is breaking toward the net. Or taking his best slap shot from the point when the game is in question. I guess what I'm saying is they have the power to help out weaker players, but they also have the power to manage the game to the benifit of their team. That being said, the other team will then feel obligated to nuetralize that factor by bringing on their own "ringer" then we're talking an arms race. Maybe a compromise to the "helping out the begginer" versus "dictating the outcome" issue would be a rule of no advanced players on ice during the third period.
I don't really care who I play cause if they are better at least Ill be getting better. #1 I do think the league needs to do something about if they mess up (ie. the fog bowl, or late games)they need to own up to it. This has cost my team twice now with run on clock games. Now I cant speak for everyone on my team, but that's bullshit. I didn't pay to play run on games. #2 I hope they are looking into this already but we should have at least 2 refs, having 1 doesn't cut it. #3 One more thing that I think would help is that if teams are struggling to have a full roster (Jags & Hurricanes) That to just make them join together and form one team that way we don't have 2 teams giving a free win every week. Because both of these teams have the skill to win they prove it every week. And the whole no "advance" players on the ice for the 3rd. Its an ok idea but who is to call who an "advance" player? Unless we make them where a yellow armband or something so they stand out, the refs have a game to watch not the numbers on the back of kids jerseys.
-Tim Krajewski #23 Silver Bullets
#4 Fog machines and fire cannons for when we come out on the ice.
I think a lot of the complaining on here let's people point a finger at someone else for the reason they didn't get the outcome they wanted out of a game or season. In sports there is always a winning team and always a losing team. If everyone would just look in the mirror and ask themselves (or their teammates/coaches) what they did well that game and what areas should they focus their effort on to improve, I think that's the right attitude. I have only been skating for about two years and have come a tremendously long way during that time and still have a long, long way to go to be as good as I want to be. When I first started I started in a team where we got beat 13-2, 11-1, 10-0 every single week. It wasn't very fun. I didn't touch the puck much. But through hard work, determination, practice, and an honest evaluation of my efforts through the eyes of more experienced players I did improve. i think if everyone put their efforts into self-improvement instead of getting mad at someone else for doing so, they would find they could be better than they are. I do play for the gators and the jedi. I am not a star player on either team. I have maybe 2 goals this season with the gators. Why do I play with the Gators? Because I had a friend playing on the team I was trying to reach out to who was going through a rough patch in life.I had met a few of the gators and they had such a desire to learn the game and had a good time no matter whether they won or lost. At that point we were losing more than we were winning. But through communication, hard work, we turned the team into a winning team.In a sentence, I play to repay my debt to hockey. Someone taught me to play, so now I share what I was taught.A lot of the guys on our team have come lightyears from where they were when I started on the team. Those are the guys we are trying to get acclimated to the silver league so that ideally when players are ready they are moving up within the system almost like a farm team.(which the jedi are far from a dominant team in silver, but we try to keep the team a family and work on improving) No offense to any of the coaches Nytex provides, but most of them focus their efforts on the game at hand instead of actually taking a team where they are and teaching and instructing where to go on the ice what to do, etc. I know every team in this league has at least one player who is "better" or more experienced who could really aid the team the sport, the league by developing the hockey minds of his teammates. I think there should be a few more experienced players on each team who do have the mindset to help the team improve by getting the puck to the beginners. I think that's key to improving. Bottom line: everyone should take personal responsibility for their own development by always working hard, seeking feedback from their team/coaches, and making the most of every opportunity to touch the ice for drop-in, open hockey, whatever. So much of hockey is hard work and determination;hard work can overcome skill and in fact create skill under pressure. Let's not lose focus of that. As long as we all seek to get better and can skip worrying about the scoreboard the fun will be there.
Mike Wolf
Gators #40
As far as playing the same team over two or three times in one season, i'm for it. Last week against Mid Air, was our best.funnest game yet. We were very evenly matched, and it was actually a game, and EVERYONE had fun. If it takes us playing the same teams over and over again to be like that, then so be it.
James, Monkeys #65
Here's a crazy idea....
Weak teams are subject to the dreaded run clock thus over the course of the season less ice time. Have each team's better players take their opposite color jersey to the bench each game. If a game's score hit's the run clock differential, the two teams in spirit of comradery trade a couple of players, i.e. the winning team send over their best two or three for the weakest two or three on the opposing team. Keep the clock to regular stops and play the third with balanced teams. I see a lot of finger pointing in this blog. Perhaps having that skilled player you despised all game sit next to you on the bench giving you tips or discussing strategy on your next shift would go a long way to defuse some of the tension associated with a blow out game. Might lead to more comradery and understanding among the league as you put a face to a foe.
That and ice girls of course.....
The Silver Bullets didn't suffer run clock cause we were doing bad. We had 2 run clock games cause Nytex fucked up one night with the fog. And the other night the refs didn't want to be there too late. Both games were run clock from the start. Had nothing to do with score.
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