Based on all the comments on the Stingers Back Story Post, The Killer has a few ideas on how to "fix" the i-league.
First of all we have a third party come out and watch every single game two weeks straight. This party would be a hockey coach who has no vested intrest in Nytex, the Brahmas, or our league. He/she would have a roster from each team, and make notes on each player. Things like, how well does he/she move on their feet, stick handle, shoot, pass, hockey knowledge, etc. Then that party would label players either A, B, or C. A meaning solid, ready for the move up to the D League, B meaning a player still learning, and C would mean someone that needs help, and lots of it.
Now at the end of the season each coordinator would get the results of the above mentioned experiment. Coordinators would be allowed to keep 8 players on their roster, two A's, two B's, and two C's. Everyone else would be placed into a pool of players that all the teams would draft from.
Then we would have the draft, team starting with who had the worst record would pick from the pool of avaiable free agents until the free agents are all gone. After that you could trade players if you like, but the idea would be that the teams all get an even number of people, and all have an even ammount of good players, bad players, and in between players.
Now there are people who will object to this like the Stingers who have been playing together for a long time, and are a very tight knit group. I know lots of guys on the Senators all work retail, and as such have to play in the late games on Saturday.
But I think if we did this, it would solve lots of issues. Then from a league standpoint you charge slightly more but offer a jersey with each paid player. This way, we eliminate teams with five or six different jerseys on the bench.
Also a rule of the new league would be players can ONLY play for one team. This would eliminate guys playing for two, three, or even four teams in one night/season.
This is all off the top of the Killers head, so feel free to trash this idea, add your thoughts, or whatever. Its good to air out your opinions so that Nytex can hear all this, and take steps towards making everyone happy. The Bronze league this year is great, the fact that there is a playoff format in place, and more teams are getting uniforms (Stingers, Senators, Bullets, Hurricanes, Gators, Monkeys) is a step in the right direction.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
So Killer (of what?), just give up on the I-league??? What’s the point of all this independent study of ABC players? To know exactly the number of sandbaggers?
MAKE AN I, repeat, I---league!!!! If it’s four teams only, then let it be four. I rather play the same three I-league teams then watch sandbaggers’ high flying ego justification!!!
Can you understand that?
Why are we afraid to step up and tell them that they are ruining it for REAL I-leaguers?
actually i think this is a great idea. having a 3rd party with no vested interest and completely unbiased "scouting" and labeling players a, b, c, i-league to make it fair, i agree would probably the best way to put all teams on an even pplaying field. especially like the jersey idea, i like all players on each team having the same jersey. your right though, it would be a problem for teams that have been together for a long time or for teams like our (ice gators) that are a company sponsored team that has employees playing together would be hard to break up...but perhaps worth it to make all things equall.
#10 Gators
Nytex has three leagues for adults, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The gold is called gold because there are not enough good players in this rink to warrant an A league. Therefore the A and B league players kind of are lumped together in the gold league. The c and d players are in the silver league and everyone else is in the i league aka bronze. There are players who should be in a different league in all the leagues. I think the draft and player rating is the way to go.
If we rate all the players and spread the talent around, I think this league will get strong. Right now #10 Gators said it best when he said that there are 4 or 5 teams that are at the top of the Bronze and then a huge gap before you have 4 or 5 teams that are at the bottom.
That indicates the only way to fix things is by evaluating and drafting.
Hooray! We are getting somewhere. Somebody has to say who is an i-leaguer and who is a d-leaguer, ect... There is nothing written that says what classification you are. Somehow you have to classify the players. Speed, stick handling, vision, and knowledge have to be observed. The uniform are great and company sponsors work. They will sponsor a team. Most companys don't have 14 employees playing. This is good dialog. Lets make it work. If we only have four teams in i-so be it. Then we will have more teams in d-league, so be it but we need some kind of evaluation of hockey players from somebody. I think both the bronze and silver leagues could use this.
Lets work this out.
Sens #2
Killer Carlson was a character from the hockey classic Slapshot As was Dickie Dunn.
You guys are sticking your head in sand. The problem is NOT with teams are being even or not.
Yes, labeling the players should be done. However, the letter should be A, B, C, D, and I. Players should be placed in the leagues corresponding their letter designation!!!! Not mixing letters evenly!!!!
Again, I must have missed the meeting where the I-League was transformed into Bronze League.
If everybody is aware of the huge gap between the top and bottom teams in the Bronze league, why are they in the same bracket?
they are in the same bracket because the top teams in i-league are nowhere near d-league contenders thus the explanation of a league wide problem. you move the top teams in i-league to d-league and you have the same problem with d-league that you have in i-league now...actually the problem already exist but it would just further the problem.
#10 gators
Killer, with this third party classification are you talking for just the players in the "bronze" league and classifing them as A,B,C within the bronze league and then just shuffleing them around the league or are you labeling them as A/B, C/D league players. because there clearly are players on all the teams that don't need to be in this league and belong in an upper level league
I myself like the Idea about making an I league an I league even if its just 4 teams of all begininers.
#8 bullet
"hey are in the same bracket because the top teams in i-league are nowhere near d-league contenders thus the explanation of a league wide problem. you move the top teams in i-league to d-league and you have the same problem with d-league that you have in i-league now...actually the problem already exist but it would just further the problem.
#10 gators"
That's contradicting your own statements. If you're in 3rd place in the I-Bronze-League and can play D-league, that would be more evidence why the other two teams above you should play D-league!!!!
The supposed gap between sandbagging "I-league" teams and D-league teams is less than admitted here.
not sure i understand... i said that if you move the top teams here in the i-league to d-league they are nowhere near d-league contenders, meaning that our top i-league teams are not close the d-league talent level. our top teams could not play d-league.
#10 Gators
To prove your point, Baylor a major D1 football program should become a D2 program because they are not good enough to contend with the D1 level. It is not about being able to win the Silver league but playing in the league you should be in.
OK lets clear things up, my idea of player evaluating and labelling good players A, then B, then C does not mean that that player should be in the A, B, or C league. Lets just do this, in evaluating players give the good guys a 1 rating, then medium guys a 2, and beginners a 3.
#10 Gators has a valid point, and he knows from experience, most bronze league guys would get smoked up in the D league. The Stingers and Hurricanes would get their asses handed to them night in and night out in the D league.
The Stingers would lose probably 28 of 30 games in the D league. No offense to the stingers, it is just a fact. The gap between the good teams in teh bronze league and bad teams can be solved with a draft.
A draft will solve things for sure. If you are going to have a fair and even league, you cant have teams of guys that only play together and wont break it up.
I have to say that I've read a lot of the posts from both of the previous posts and I agree and disagree with some of the things that have been said.
Agree - It's frustrating as a Goalie to get picked apart from team play that is obviously better. Seeing a supposed "I League" player go coast to coast and score easily should not be ignored. There are players and teams in the league that should be thinking about moving up, either as a team or individuals on that team. I know my team has talked about bringing in Ringers just to make things even...which should NEVER happen. While I personally believe those players should take some ownership of their play, I know that they have a different mindset than I do and come down to either stroke their ego or "play with their buddies." Either way, the ref should have more power to either sit that player or flag them for review by the league. The Refs are in the middle of the game and know who should/should not be playing. I believe it should also be up to the league to listen to coordinators complaints against players and then their responsibility to investigate the claim. If you don't have good management, no matter what you do, you will not have a good league.
Disagree - While I understand the need and desire to have good and fair play. there is also a lot to be said with playing with your friends. When you think about Hockey, you have to think about Team play. If you rearrange everyone every season, you are dismissing the fact that this is a team sport. Timing and knowing each others strengths and weaknesses have a lot to do with this sport. By switching everyone up every 12 weeks, you break some of that up and I believe would slow down players progression toward higher leagues....either as a team, as I know some teams are trying to get toward, or as individuals.
All that being said, I think there are a lot of good ideas on the table and if the players as a whole think something needs to be done, then the league office needs to listen, or their hockey program will end up being weak and they will loose quality players because they are ignoring the player base as a whole. The league needs to step up and do something, or all this will be just what it is...complaining with no end result.
Injured Goalie for AA
(hoping to be back next session) Miss you guys!!
Killer (of what?),
Since you keep repeating what you say and you don’t want to hear anything else, I will repeat myself, too.
Evenly spreading sandbaggers among teams will make the scores closer, but sandbaggers will still control the GAME!!! It will not help REAL I-leaguers to touch the puck more.
This will NOT ADDRESS the problem!!!
I disagree with your disagrement. Rotating players would bring the whole league together more. Playing with different players will grow the buddy system.
I enjoyed reading all of the posted comments on this apparently hot topic.
Let me tell you, there are these issues and more in ALL skill levels at EVERY rink in the country.
Let's face it, NYTEX is in this for one reason, the money as you all know. They are not going to risk losing a single paying player by telling them they can't play in a certain league, or even on mulitple teams. They want all the paying players they can get. As a result, it seems like they are disinterested in parity.
A third party would be OK, but what about compensation? I doubt anyone would volunteer to watch that many hockey gamesfor nothing. Where would the money come from? NYTEX isn't going to spring for it, are you? I didn't think so....
I have read the term "sandbaggers" a lot in these comments. I agree there are a few sandbaggers here, as in all leagues. That's too bad because it seems like those guys are in it just to win every game they can, and they play hard and score all the goals. But what about the guys who are trying to help the weaker players? By looking to pass over scoring an easy goal, or who let up defensively when a beginning player has the puck. I have no problem with those guys. There are a few of them out there, and I think they belong.
By making an I only league, you would have to create a D only C only B only and A only leagues, too. There are just too many rinks and not that many players for that to work. It would be a perfect solution and don't think it hasn't been tried.
That would be the perfect scenario, but not a realistic one. So until a better way comes along, we are all going to have to deal with the current format.
Does that mean skirt the rules and bring in more D-C players? Not unless they are going to play the "right" way and focus on the real reason for the league in the first place----- To aid players just getting started in this the greatest game on earth and to help them get better. Involve those players, let them get into the play, not just watch it while trying to catch up to the play, only to have it go the other way.
Anyways, thanks for reading this rather lenghtly post.
Great posts. Lets all agree that there are more advanced i-leaguers than those who just started. Thus within your i-league designate a beginner and advanced player. Dan Feneli is a prime example of somebody who is very skilled that would not make in d-league (Sorry Dan its just most folks know you) He coaches youth hockey, but doesn't have the speed anymore Ranking him as advanced. Take Jared Johnson (front office of Brahmas) playing in his 10th game would be a beginner (Sorry Jared but folks know you. Clearly you have two players of different skills but still i-league caliber.
With the draft you still can keep the core group together. I have subbing with other teams you get to know other in the league. Its a blast. The thought is the advanced players would be able to assist the beginners. Love the ideas. Lets fix some of the problems.
Sens #2
Killer, sorry but Gator #10 i thin is mistaking the Gators or jedi ast they are called in the silver league have one a third of they're games.The Stingers and Hurricanes like the Gators as everyone says would get better playing better caliber teams. But No they would reather stay in the I (bronze) league and take advantage of teams with a number of beginers on their teams.
I do agree with Steve there are a number of people in the league that do mentor the beginers. But they are largely out numbered but the one that are there to win every game and score as many goals as they can.
Regardless of what happens, whether a new draft system or some permutation of it is eventually implemented or not, there is something we can change immediately. I believe we owe it to each other to play like skaters in an I-league should play. If you find that you are outskating or outscoring many people around you, consider backing off a bit. Help those who aren't doing quite as well. Let the newer skater hang on to the puck for a little bit. Pass to the less experienced player even though you are pretty sure he or she can't stop it...eventually he or she will. Get off the ice when you should so everyone gets equal time. I-league isn't the place to get extra ice time so you can play better in your other league. It's a place for skaters to learn, and by gosh, it should be a place to have a lot of fun. If you never get to skate with the puck, or if someone grabs it from you when you have barely gotten a hold of it, the fun vaporizes.
So how hard to y'all think it would be do a Bronze1 and Bronze2 league? Or would that even make any sense? There has to be some middle ground here. How do the Stars centers leagues do it? So far this season, it ahs not been fun for me. I see myself backtracking and trying to keep up with the better players that i don't think should be in i-league. But because i love the game so much, i just play, and try to learn, as well as go to open hockey skates and work on my skills (or lack of).
As a goalie, I don't really mind the ringer effect. I've only been playing Ice hockey for about a month now, and when a guy beats me, I don't feel like it's cause he was better.. I feel like I wasn't in the right place. Obviously this is different for skaters because regardless I'm gonna get the puck.
However, I would never really want to take part in a draft. It's good that the league learns to respect each other and changing teams would help that a lot, but at the same time I have a greater comfort level with where I'm at now.
The two ways mentioned to fix the league doesn't really seem fair for both parties. I don't really think grading people would really help either, that always adds up to mixed opinions and drama that's not needed.
Regardless, I'm not one to force integrity onto people. I'd just hope people that reach the pinnacle would want to start a new climb in their hockey career.
Ok i will take the blame for starting all this. I was the one who made the orginal post questioning why teams like the Stingers and Gators are in the I league. I myself have been in this league at total of 6 games. I played the last 2 game of last season with the silver bullets and the 3 games this season with subbing on the hurricanes for one game. in which I was playing defence. That said I have only been on skates a total of 4 months now. I started with the stick and puck class in feb. with the intent of joining the league. Now I have had people tell I have improved greatlly in the past few months. But what I was questioning was, why teams like the Stingers and Gators (I'll leave out the Lady stars and Hurricanes, one season dropins stacked teams) who are by far better then most of the teams in the league are still in a league that I was to understand was for beginners and first and second year skaters.
Stingers having been together 4 years already and still in an instructional league?
And the Gator I do give credit for being a team that for what i'm hearing began at the bottom and has WORKED its way to being a top team. but with so many of the players playing in the D league, why do you still need to be playing together in full in the I league.
Greg Perry
Thank you for your original post and for your new post claiming ownership of the original post.
We add green, no-skating rookies to the Stingers every single season. I am one of them. But the guys that come to play with the Stingers benefit from the leadership and guidance of the "veterans". And the new players come with the understanding that showing up for 4 games a season is not going to make them betterm, and are encouraged to attend all the practice sessions and open ice sessions possible.
We play in a league that we feel is appropriate for our team. None of the games we play are walks in the park. Every time we think that we get beat.Our success is a direct result of the commitment of our coordinator to keep us organized, and the commitment of our players to actually show up at games. We don't spend our Saturday nights salivating at the chance to beat up on new skaters for the hell of it.
There was a guy who showed up for a team a few weeks ago wearing rental skates. The Stingers thought that guy had big brass ones for stepping onto the ice to play. He has every right to be there that the Stingers and Ice Gators do.
It's getting late so I don't want to ramble on. This is a difficult sport to learn, you have to work hard to get better at it, and playing alongside and against players who have more experience can only make you better.
Dave M
Stingers #21
Thanks Dave,
Now I do know by owning up to the original post that that pretty much puts a target on my back, Especially with the Gators. So I’m sure I’ll get a few extra trips to the ice during that game.
Now to address your comments, If I understand you right, You are on a team by your own coaches admission has 85% of the original player that started the team 4 years ago. And you are saying that they take in the token new guy each season. I guess that’s their way to justify being in an instructional league. Now answer this why would a team that so dominates the instructional league (by winning it 3 almost 4 times) not want to get better themselves by like you said playing “against players who have more experience can only make you better”. But that they would rather stay in a league that season after season they are always at the top of the standings.
#8 Bullet
Greg you have improved so much from that February class. You rock for making the time to take classes and get better. As do many in our league. I think your post started a great dialog. The Gators are good guys and will not target you, most of them have traveled the same route you are on. Steve has some really good points. Whether we put forth a draft or ask players to play at instructional level it is really up to each one of us to show sportamanship. The guys that are helping the newbees should be patted on the back. The guys going coast to coast and not passing should be ashamed. I have said so many times We have a hell of a lot of good people in this league and it is fun to play with and against everyone.
Lets agree that the upper level players need to tone it down and start playing the game to improve their WHOLE team not themselves. This is not the CHL or NHL. We are all here because we love the game. Lets have some fun throw back a few beers afterwards.
Sens #2
While I know it’s not the Stingers or the Gators faults, it’s NYTEX’s. And NYTEX I know is in this to make money.
For some reason NYTEX justified going with only 3 adult leagues (Gold, Silver and the Bronze) when every one else seems to have
4 or 5 different leagues (A,B,C,D and I). So the Stingers and Gators can play in the Bronze league as long as they are paying NYTEX to play.
Me being a beginner, I see no way of even getting a chance to get to the top of the standing in this league. By the time I were to have 4 years experience the Stingers would be having most of their players with at least 8 years of experience and probably still in the Bronze league. Not that winning is everything, but at least playing against players at or close to the same level game after game would be nice. Not when games are decided 10-1, 7-0 and such its probobly pretty sure one teams not getting much out of that game.
So I guees all I can do is start looking for maybe another place to play that maybe controls the caliber of players in their leagues better.
There must be a reason the Star Centers are doing so well. I understand that at the Star Centers you can only play in the “I” league for so long before being moved up.
That being said how long ago was it that the Stingers moved from Euless to NYTEX
If enough people decide to leave and the Bronze league ends up
Being the Stinger vs. the Gator every week and maybe the occasional team that drops in for a season or so like the Lady Stars.
Maybe NYTEX will then realize something isn’t working (that is if they really care about Adult Hockey) with their instructional league.
#8 Bullet
PS Thanks Fred
well i speak on behalf of the gators,
first off no, we have no interest on putting a target on someones back lol.
anyway the team started playing the first season of 2008. we sucked. we didnt win a single game and our second season we won only 1game. our guys have been going to the hockey skills class nearly every week along with going to the drop in hockey multiple times per week in order to get better at the game. our team has come leap and bounds since our first season a year ago and keep in mind we have 98% of the same exact people on our team now that we did our first season. Also the "3 d-league players" we have play on the jedi...which WAS an i league team that moved up to d-league, the good guys on the jedi DONT play with us, the guys who were still not d-league level stayed with us as well as Jedi because there was obviously no more i-league Jedi team. as guys get good enough to be solid d-league players, they move up to d-league just like they did before. we are not a d-league team...being 2 teams are undefeated thus far (we are not one of them) and we are tied with the keller indians with the same record. we would not win a single game if our team were to move to d-league. we also have new skaters on our team, guys/gal that still are trying to get the concept of the game while learning to stay on their feet. we dont just come every weekend and play hockey, we are trying to get better and attending hockey class and drop in to do so. when we play we are talking to each other and trying to teach the new guys how to play hockey. we try and take time and pass the puck around to everyone on the team which i believe we do very well. we still are not the best team in i-league and if/when we do become that team, just like before, guys will move up and we will get new people.
I personally enjoy playing teams like the Stingers...even when we were loosing every sinlge game in the season and getting beat by every single one of the teams represented by people in this blog, because it was a challenge and in order to compete we had to get better...which is the whole point.
Another thing that needs to change for next season is the coordinators are going to have to police the hockey whoring. Zach Gaydos played last week for the Arc Angels, Jaguars, and of course the Gators which was kind of an off week for him, usually he can get in one more game. He's not the only one out there who plays for multiple teams. Its bullshit, it takes ice time away from people, and these people just show that they are in it for themselves, and not a real team player. I do know that there are circumstances every now and then when a team might need to borrow a player. Usually its a goalie, so no big deal, but going from locker room to locker room to ask if a team needs players, or playing in 60-80% of games each week is fucking bullshit.
Now the killer is fired up, and I dont know why. Fuck.
Everyone here is making good points and it is one of the most frustrating parts of the I-League, to determine what the best course of action should be undertaken by NYTEX.
No one is right and no one is wrong, because it is just us talking. Someone from NYTEX should be and needs to be policing this and it is not happening.
If Zach Gaydos pays to play on 4 teams, then let him. If he has not paid, then don't. It is OK to sub and help a team out, but 3 or 4 I-League games in one night makes a hockey whore.
As the co-ordinator for the Spider Monkeys, and yes, we are struggling this season, but I am not bringing in ringers or subs from different leagues. We win or lose as the team we started out as.
Which brings me to another point.
How should a team win!
We faced the Ice Gators this last weekend and ended up facing 53 shots to 4. When we were trailing 7 to 1 at the beginning of the 3rd period, most teams would back off, pass the puck around, still play hockey, but realize that the teams are way out of balance. So why do teams still want to score as many goals as they can and rub it in.
This ain't the Stanley Cup people, we all have jobs and don't get paid to play hockey. We do it for fun. Yes, fun and if you like sticking to the other team, go play somewhere else.
I have to tell you that the game against the Gators was the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen and was a total commercial for bad sportsmanship.
Grow Up Gators...!
It is my understanding the Zach doesn't pay a dime to play. He's on a team that has a sponser and the sponser pay for them to play in the league. Then he goes from locker room to locker room looking for teams that might be shorthanded and need extra players.
Greg, you're right about most of this lying at the feet of NYTEX.
As to your question of the league consolidation Bronze/Silver/Gold?
Well when you put fake grass on top of one of your ice rinks, total ice time available shrinks by half.
to the coordinator of the spider monkeys...
the guys that scored on you in the 3rd period were matt hammond (1st goal of the season, jonathan senchi (1st goal of the season) and dave anderson (2nd goal of the season) with the exception of zack gaydos, all the better players backed off after the 2nd period...i would never tell the guys who scored at the end to stop trying to score because they are guys who need all the work they can get. congrats to the ones who got their first goal of the season!
our team never complained like this when we were getting shut out 8-0 and 10-0 by teams when we first started playing...we figured out that, oh...we need to learn how to play positions instead of everyone chasing the puck (which we were doing) thus creating an unorthidox mess enabling teams to crush us like they did.
we learned from games like that and got better from it.
the only fault i find in our team that game is that Zack Gaydos could have toned it down...but getting him to do that may be as hard as getting him to play defense (which he was supposed to be playing) and stop taking the puck in for a shot all the time when he is supposed to be at point...which is where he was supposed to be for that exact reason.
So should we get an actual meeting with the NYTEX officials started so we can get this all hammered out?
Good points Mike. Tired of the we never complained. I remember a game when the Gators jumped one of our players on the Jags at the end of a game for quote "being too good for the league". It was two of yall on him. It was like my second game just thought this is how we play. I remember the Gators and everyone else bitching about how the Stingers need to move up. so don't keep spouting the yall never complained. with that said The Gators have worked their Asses off to get where they are. I have seen them at every stick n puck for two or three sessions. I see them playing in drop-ins. Pointing fingers and denying any responsibilty is crap. Lets get back to making this fun again. Are yall hearing how the new players want to leave? Come on... we want to build this league for the future. Lets keep the ideas flowing guys. NYTEX is a great facility, but is also a business too. I hate that we lost the 2nd sheet of ice, but I am not paying the huge utility bills that come with another sheet of ice.
The Saturday night scores will not by put in as early this week as I will be in Florida.
I think we should kick that Greg guy's ass for starting all this. Everything was fine until two days ago...
Gator #156
Gator #156, thanks for proving everyone's point about the IceGators. I know the Gators have some nice guys but the bad ones bring them down.
There have been several games when a coach or player is leaning over the glass at our bench, asking Zach Gaydos if he wants to come play on their team. So, if everyone wants him to stop subbing, stop asking him to sub!!! Can't blame a guy for accepting a free game of hockey can you??
#9 Gators
lol there is no #156 on our team...
ill second that, ive been sitting there countless times as people have come asking for extra players for the jaguars and plenty of others. i find no fault in someone playing on other teams when they are asked to. how are you going to turn down extra ice time!!??
First of all, it's shows a lot of character if you can go on an Internet message board and talk shit about someone from your safe little computer chair but you won't say a damn thing to their face. It shows cowardice. I'd like to thank bill ivey for ASKING ME to play for the arc angels every week. Also I'd like to thank the jags team coordinator for ASKING ME to play for them when they are short. Also I find it funny how people only complain about me when Les, Kyle and Ryan Kelly do the same thing as me. Play on teams who ask them to play. Dan Custred on the Indians plays up in gold league and silver as well and no one says anything. There are more skilled players on every team. What's poor sportsmanship is crying while slashing, cross checking and full on checking during a losing effort. You do that to anyone for a full game they will play harder. Don't be surprised. I've worked my ass off to get better and maybe some of y'all should do the same. Just so you know, I used to have no feeling in the right side of my body and worked my ass off to even get back to normal. The character of some players in this league is surprising. It's pathetic that grown men can act in such a way. I don't have to tell y'all again how hard the gators have worked. If you want to complain then complain. If you want to talk shit about me, say it to my face. I won't be logging on here again. I'm open to a productive discussion on how to improve the league and I am more than happy to help any player out that wants to get better. I dont retailiate on the ice by playing dirty, I retaliate by scoring a goal or playing a little harder so next time one of y'all wants to make a dirty play and involve me, don't expect me to do anything back except try and score on you. I've learned to drop it because it doesn't matter and some of you guys need to do that too. In the end it's about having fun and I've encountered people who take this thing too seriously. I'm tired of the bullshit and even if I stop playing for other teams y'all will still find something to bitch and moan about. Again I'm not going to log on here again. If you have something to say, discuss it in person with me. Good luck and good night. Zach Gaydos - ice gators 37
That last comment from Zack was pretty good. There are more players in this league than him who play on multiple teams.
Zack (since you are not logging on here again of the gators forward this him), I am sorry for directing an angry comment towards you. I want to apologize for being so harsh with you. I have had time to think about it, and the whole point I wanted to make was, it takes ice time away from those who paid their league fees when people play on multiple teams. If the arc angels have three guys on defense, and then they ask you to join up then all of a sudden the defensive shifts get shorter, and you have effectively taken away ice time.
I think that Nytex needs to address the people playing on multiple things issue and this board needs to move on. I think there have been some frusterations aired out on the board, and things have been said that needed to be said (hiding from behind a computer or not). The main thing we all have learned is that the league cares, and listens. Lets try to revamp it for the fall season, and make this kick ass.
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