We have a lot of discussion lately about competition in our league. Good. All opinions and comments are welcome, if they are reasoned and well thought out.
If you want your opinion to carry more weight in the discussion, please include your name, or your team name and jersey number at the end, or some unique nickname.
It's hard to respond and openly converse with someone who posts an opinion, but doesn't use any sort of unique moniker.
Dickie Dunn
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Well To everyone bitching about the Gators or the Stingers, GO practice and improve your game. Some of you have been in I league longer than we have. There is always going to be a top team or two. When I first started out as goalie and guys were just lighting up the back of the net, I went out and practiced and got better. I never bitched or cried about being scored on. IT is HOCKEY...NO CRYING IN HOCKEY....
it's difficult to practice when you can't touch the puck. Everyone that has posted in the subject attends the skills class every week and yet still get skated around by players who feel a 10-2 game with 54-4 shots is fair.
Brandon 68 Bullets.
Try going to drop on Thursday nights. This is my third season in I-league. Before that, I had zero experience in hockey except for what I saw on television.
I have worked each and every week to improve my skills, what little I have. I still haven't scored a goal. At least once a shift I will fall flat on my butt. I still can't stop. Sometimes, it's not fun that people are flying by, but it should give you motivation to become a better player.
How is it the Gators fault that the Spider Monkeys can't get a shot on goal? I have played with pretty much the same guys for the last three seasons. Maybe they should switch their defensive line up and see what happens. It may help with the 54 shots on goal Look at the stats so far this year. They haven't many goals. The Gators are not the only team holding them to one goal.
I enjoy showing up each week and playing these games. I will be quite honest, no one on our team cares how many goals they can score in a game. We don't talk about stats.
The Ice Gators have been beat down before and I am sure it will happen again. What is important in my opinion is having a good time. I shouldn't have to worry about a cross-check in front of the goal if I am standing there. I think our guys were more motivated to score because of the dirty play by the other team. No need to retaliate, just score!
#24 Rob Ice Gators
Monday 4/27/2009 9:15pm
L 1-3 Spider Monkeys Silver Bullets
Saturday 5/2/2009 5:45pm
FFT-W 6-0 Jaguars Spider Monkeys
Saturday 5/16/2009 5:45pm L 1-5 Spider Monkeys Arc Angels
Saturday 5/30/2009 8:45pm
L 1-10 Spider Monkeys Ice Gators
good post guys, it gets really annoying that somehow its our fault that we have been commiting ourself to becoming better by going to drop in and skills class therefore enabling us to become a much better team than we used to. if we kick your ass...get better and dont let it happen again. dont cry and complain freagin bunch of crying babbies on here...
we didnt win a single game our first season and used to get smashed 10-0 and 8-0 all the time...we learned from it and got better. all i see is a bunch of people whinning because their team is not as good as the top 4 teams in the league. give it time and start going to drop in and skills class and the other teams would be just as good as the top teams in i-league
bitch about the gators all you want...at the end of the day were tied with the indians with the stingers and hurricanes ahead of us.
If you are attending hockey skills class and are still getting skated around. My observance would be that you need to either KEEP practicing, and you will get there, OR you're not applying yourself enough and just generaly don't care to improve your skills, and would rather just tuck into the fetal position and cry about other teams. The Gators are a very frustrated team right now, because unlike other teams like Lady Stars and Hurricanes, who just showed up in I-league and dominated, the Gators have worked really hard to get to the skill level they are at now... and now they're the bad guys? The "lack of class" probably noted in last week's game, I feel stemmed from a great LACK of professionalism and tack exhibited by the referee. After our bench was being verbally attacked by the referee, I advised the official that he should keep his emotions in check, and ref the game (As he currently had his back to the game, swearing at my bench) I was thus sent to the penalty box. And in regards to lack of class.. the spider monkeys have a reputation for being a very dirty team. I myself was hooked, slashed, cross checked, and high sticked in the crease, within the first few minutes of the game.
Great discession guys. I like the no crying in hockey. The fast way to improvement is the skills classes and drop-ins. So far it seems the Gators have to keep defending themselfs because they got too good, however the Stingers beat em fellas. Contrary to the Gators belief, what happened last Saturday was very poor sportsmanship!! I knew it was going to ugly when the guy with the spray painted number comes out skates backwards faster than anyone on the ice sets up at the blue line and cranks a shot top corner ( thanks one of those beginner ehh? )I guess the bottom line is do we want a four team league of the same old guys year after year. Or do we want to get more teams and players. As for you guys who know you don't belong in this league.. LEAVE ... PLEASE... Go beat up on some squirt or mite teams or are they too skilled... As for those who are working hard and are at that transition point to the next level... great job!!!! try to remember to include those who are trying to get there!!
Lets concentrate on what come out of the Stanley Keg not the Keg.
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