We have added new contributors, and the blog should start heating up again with these new points of view. Everyone take notice of the blog address as this will be the last post on this blog. It will sit as an archive, but from here on out we will rock the new one.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
So now not only did the I league get rolled into the D (Bronze) league, Now it being rolled into the Silver?
are you gonna keep my quote up at the top at the page? you can if you want to.
Jets #97
This blog will stay in perpetuity as a reminder of our forefathers who gave their fingertips in service of our beloved blog.
Men are the ones who create evil on Earth. It is the choices they make which enslave their souls to hell.
And that's why you are continually reincarnated. Welcome to the Matrix.
7 billion in 2011. Only 1 billion in 1800 and 2 billion in 1900.
Population explosion is a clue::::The gods are sending everyone back for The End.
There must be some purgatory-like place. Or individual. Like an animal.
Now the gods have sent everyone back to try for one final time to fix their problems and ascend into heaven. Avoiding an animal would have been a big positive because those thrust into this decayed enviornment have less of a chance than those who enjoyed the god's generosity of a slowly decaying enviornment with frightening clues, like the Depression, the Holocaust, etc.
Anything that can get the poeple frightened and praying is a good. thing. Contentment never motivated anyone.
As we approach the Apocalypse the gods are removing "wrath of god" material from xtian dogma.
As we see wickedness spread throughout the country, like preditory behavior, godlessness, socialo changes, etc, using cable TV and the spread of "Californication" as justification, they changed xtianity, appropriatly with Catholicism first.
xtianity has changed radically in the 20th century, and everyone should be mindful of the way it was, because the people are in a process of slipping out of god's favor into a state of Damnation, from which the vast majority will never survive.
They used to scare people and make them too afraid to make mistakes. Now people aren't afraid of anything and don't think twice about doing something wicked and evil which will hurt their chances.
Employment charity:::Was W able to do his job as President?
I suspect there are many frat-boy types who couldn't or wouldn't study nor do the work necessary so they gained this "benefit" telepathically. This could have been extended to their professional life as well::In most of these cases they don't have what it takes to do their jobs.
I think employment charity is FAR more common than people may believe.
Another example how they tempted people in this manner is the procurement of sexual relations.
Keep raping these poor girls. You're going to end up as one in your next life.
If people only understood the importance of good parents. You won't be going anywhere without them. And it won't happen unless you are one first.
Good god says minimal time for everyone (see below). Evil god still gives hope for immortality to these people:::Immortality if you are right versus a couple centuries partying at best even if you change now.
Occems Razor.
The big casino in the sky::In the end, the house gets everything.
Due to institutional evil the closer we get to The End the more evil everyone incurrs (with some variation thanks to behavior) and it limits the time for everyone.
Probably the children who fix their problems and ascend into heaven too. Experineceing the Holocaust, evil of the 20th century costed them, for which limits are placed. They are not the same as their innocent peasantry ancestors from the Old World.
You people have fucked up bad by not getting out before the 20th century.
Just because the gods have to break some eggs doesn't mean they are evil. As management there are hard decisions that must be made. But they used this omelette and sold it to people as temptation, who went out and did things they shouldn't have done.
Another feature which the Gods offer as a clue is very foreboading and ominous. Mt. Zion is a mountain to the north of Diablo (the eye of The Beast) and one which has a working quarry at its base. Consistant with the decay we experience in society, Mt. Zion is being eaten away, slowly stripped of its resources, until one day paradise will be gone forever.
God knew that we all need someone to share each happy day.
muito interessante, GREAT BLOG
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vous fashion.thank pour le partage
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