More details on the big final four weekend as the week goes by. But for now the final four has been established Sens vs Stingers and Kings vs Indians.
Semi Finals are Friday Night with the Stingers and Senators playing at 10:00, and then the Kings and Indians going on at 11:30. Finals will be Saturday immediately following the Brahmas game.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Go Ice Kings!
Thought this was D League playoffs for a second, but then I saw the Stingers logo. I then quickly remembered that they never moved up.
I thought this was an adult league til I saw the comments and remebered there are some very immature people here. Seriously, how sad is your life that you cry so much about a beer league hockey game. I do feel sory for you. You can defend yourself and say your a man but you sure don't act like it. Would your boss, your wife, or your kids be proud of you?
haha your boss, wife or kids...really??? thats not over the top or anything.
Anonymouse bas ass #9
yah, you are giving him WAY too much credit - how could somebody like that ever hold a job or find a woman who isn't repulsed. As for kids, is it possible to cross-breed with sheep? just sayin'
That's it? Over the top? I guess there was nothing else to say that wouldn't make you look more like a pussy. Since it's such and injustice for teams like the Kings and the Stingers to play here take your money and go some place else. Oh, is it cause you'll suck over there too?
Well since I don't have a wife or kids, and my boss is a total sucker. I think I have a good chance of them liking me. You say this is an adult league and yet you still can't spell remembered correctly?
Have you ever noticed that the people who complain about people complaining are complaining while they complain about people complaining?
No complaining here.....
Go Ice Kings!
So you admitted your boss is a sucker so it sounds like you know your a dick.
How come it's the same two or three people taking shit on this thing? Could it be because you are loosers on life as well as on the ice? Just play hockey, drink some beer and have a good time.
I drink beer and have a great time on ice. I am thirsty....I want that keg. Go Ice Kings!
I'm not sure what a looser is, other than a pun for a used porn star perhaps.
I think the only LOSER, are the ones that get all butt hurt and turn a random insult into a personal attack about wife, children, or jobs.
Anonymous post to troll. Then you rage right back at them, playing into their hands. Nice work.
The day people can differentiate between 'Your' and 'You're' will be a good day.
As usual it's the Bullets who's not quite all there. I don't think that guy was attacking the family but pointing out that the behavor on this blog is not something family members would be proud of.
Well if our wives dont approve at least the Stingers goalies wife is big enough to go around.
Let me guess, your not man enough to say that to his face.
Of course not, you'll hide behind the blog.
What did he ever do? Except stone your ass! Either the people we talk to before and after the game aren't admitting to trash or it's just a few dicks starting shit. The problem isn't the Kings, Stingers, or Zach, it's this blog
Once again a bitch posting Anonymous. I think YOU are the problem.
So does anyone actually talk about hockey anymore?
They having nothing to talk about on here except bash the teams or players that are still in the playoffs. They are out of the contest and have nothing better to do.
isn't it ironic -
the guys with the smallest penises
are the biggest dicks!
Leave it to a homo to make a penis statement.
Who knows.. what's more manly, posting anonymously to start shit.
Nah, it's WAY more manly to post firing back at an enigma that you'll never know, belittling yourself, and typing like an illiterate.
-- Regardless, arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics, in the end you're still retarded. --
Ethan is such a faggot.
Geez, if bullets#20 spent as much time on hockey as he does thinking about "homos, illiterates and retards"... Wait - at least he's sticking to what he knows!
Hey man, we all gotta make a living at something.
The comments so far are a joke. Lets focus back on hockey. Final Four this weekend, should be interesting. If form holds the two top seeds will meet in the finals (Bees and Kings), but with single elimination an upset is always possible look at what happened last season with the Gators taking down the Bees, and they had no bench.
I hope we can upset the Bees this week... it will be no small undertaking! They are a good team with some star players. Should they move up? Probably so, but wouldn't it be nice to upset them and hopefully get to play Keller in the finals?? I look forward to Friday night! Go Sens!
Scott #87 <------(no anonymous messages here)
If we can get by Keller I would love to play the Sens again. But with a full team this time. Win or lose it was an extremely "interesting" season... Look forward to another.
Ice Kings & Stingers in the Finals. Indians do not have Kelly in net. Senators could possibly upset the Stingers as they did to us. I still think it will be the Ice Kings vs. Stingers in the final Saturday night. Good luck to final four. :)
Ice Kings dont have a chance of beating the Indians since the Indians have decided to activate coach Dan Custred to their roster. Custred and Kyle Kelly will sandbag their way to another Keg.
Next year we are getting Brett Hull to "coach" the Jaguars.
Why not just get Ovechkin if you're gonna go for it, go big!
Rules of Bronze league is you must be on roster and have played 5 or 6 games to be eligible to play in the playoffs. Dan Custred is not able to play in playoffs as he has played only one game. One sandbagger Kyle Kelly will not be enough to advance. Hard to play every shift on defense. Friday night we will know who is advancing. It should be fun.
Don;t let that rule confuse you Hvidston. If they've paid they should be able to play. Dan Custerd scored the GWG against us last session to eliminate us in the playoffs with only 2 GPs on the session.
Oh, and the stingers suck dick.
Mike, I'm right there with you on the Dan situation. Brandon remember, Dan did play all last season not just one game and then the playoffs.
For that mater the Stinger did the same thing to us. Josh Harding according to the league lineup only played in the last game of the season and then againest us in the playoffs. Must say something when a team goes through the season 10-0 and then brings in players for the playoffs.
And I know it would do no good to do a formal protest against the Stingers, Dan would threaten to take the team elsewere and they would get what they want. Knowing they have no intention of moving because my guess is Euless won't allow them in their I league to dominate.
You're right, no reason to cry you can't do anything about it. By the way Hardin was on our roster all season but was out with an injury. Don't fool your self he's not why you lost.
I'm not fooling myself. We knew going in we didn't stand a chance. We knew we are a team of beginners play a team that's what been togetther for 5 years now. And still all playing in the bronze league. For that matter we have 3 people that moved up to silver after only our first season. So let's see how many if any Stingers move up.
I will agree there are a few Stingers that should move up. It's up to them on if when they want to move up. We are all friends who only see each other on Saturday nights so we are not going to kick someone off the team. Just know that most of the team belongs in I league and when we add played they are biginners.
We will see Friday night if the reason the Stingers have been using for not moving up is true. They keep saying they can not play on Friday nights and that is why they do not move up. Well they have a playoff game this Friday and we will see how many of them show up. If they all show up then we know there excuse is a joke. Also, by the way I heard that Hardin did not pay his league fee. That is fine if he is hurt but the rule states that he must haved played in 5 games or paid at least the $160 sub fee. He did neither but no one seems to be caring about that.
"Just know that most of the team belongs in I league and when we add played they are biginners."
What's a "biginner?" Did I miss something here???
Karma sez -
"Just know that most of the team belongs in I league and when we add played they are biginners."
You know, biginner, as in "their goalie is biginner than any goalie I've seen in any league" A corruption of the phrase bigger than......
I thought this was an adult league. Its amazing how grown men act like children all over one little game. The stingers are welcome back to the star center anytime. There is no animosity towards them. I came out and observed a couple games earlier this month, and think that all in all you guys have a good thing going. One team I saw with black jerseys and socks looked incredibly slow, but it looked like they were all having fun. I didn’t notice any blatant ringers. Euless has had problems lately with ringers. Its something that a low level hockey league will always have problems with. I see lots of bitching about the rules and players payments, I cant believe that a player or teams payment histories are something that people can find out about. That is insane! In a league with 8-10 teams you are dealing with 100-120 people, if you only have payment issues with two or three people, consider your operation rock solid.
I have been observing your league as I have heard rumors that we are losing a team to you guys in the Whalers. Now there are rumors that one to two MORE teams are jumping ship. This is insane, I always thought that we were the big bad boy of adult leagues in DFW, but looks like the tide is turning. I have heard rumours that here is about to be a change in ownership or the lease or something up here, and the future of the Euless Star Center is now on very shaky ground.
Anywho, you guys need to quit bitching, I wish the star centers would do some of the cool stuff you guys have.
And quit blog copying.
I'm King Shit of Fuck Mountain
Most of the Stingers can play on Friday nights but their goalie can't. I guess he uses vacation days on those games. It would be like you having a game at 2:00 pm on a Friday afternoon, you couldn't play every week but could swing it from time to time.
Everybody watch out because the Stingers are a middle of the pack I league team at Euless and with more teams moving this way the Stingers won't be your biggest threat. Hell, they might start bitching about the level of play.
Just so you know, NYTEX reads this from time to time and thinks it's funny how you all act. But in the end you give them your money and that's all they care about.
Have fun next season.
The Stingers are far from a Middle of the Pack team at Eueless. I observed several games last week and can honestly tell you that the competition at Euless is by far and away a true I League. It seems they actually seperate people that are too good for the league.
@Bandit 4, last season Dan did not play an entire session according to League Line Up. He had 3 games played when he hopped in against us.
Yes Nytex reads this from time to time, but all we care about is not getting your money. We are a family up here, and do not just take peoples money. The Stingers would get smoked in the D League up here. Probably would only be able to win if the team they were playing was missing like five or six skaters. They could do the right thing and move a couple guys up, but as far as the whole team, that would be suicide.
Relax boys, I say boys cause I dont ever see any girls commenting on here. Except when they are defending themselves against stupid boys talking about poicturing them topless an what have you.
We look forward to proving that the Stingers are indeed an I-league team.
Hope the Tribe picks up against the Queens; we want another shot at them too.
Sens #2
Stars Center person,
Yes, my team the Spider Monkeys is slow, and yes, we do have fun. That's why we come to play. Alot of people forget what thats like. Don't get me wrong, i want us to win, but at what cost? To where it's not fun anymore? To where we get on here and bitch about every little thing, or person **cough**Hvidston**cough**
Anyways, i think alot of people on here take this way to seriously. Like stated many, many times over the past two seasons, none of us get paid to play. And if anyone is, well, then i guess you are a true ringer.
Alrighty!!!! I play to have fun. I hope everyone is having fun too.
I think most of us remember our first game out there. I was happy I didn't kill myself coming over the boards. Most of the i-leaguers have the puck around one to two minutes a game total. Some of us spend that much time on the laying on the ice. I feel fortunate that we have an oportunity to improve. Come out to an open hockey session you will see several bronze league players out there on their game. If you truly want to improve come out and join us. Peace out.
Come out to the Brahmas game 50% off is a rocking deal. Stay after for a beer and watch the final game.
net time you have something to say about me say it to my face you shitty i league player
Go Ice Kings
not you hvidston. i am so tired of the i league pussies who go on as anonymous and talk shit. not even man enough to put their name out there. you guys are a bunch of cock stroking ass bandits. jeeze
No need to degrade to name calling and all this childish bullshit. Lets keep the anon comments down.
Another Amen!
I think Chad is pretty cute. Just saying...
Eric - Sens/Blazers #24
Turner you fucking little hobit, stfu!
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