This past weekend we saw the Bees remain unBEEten with a shut out of the Bandits. This marks the 4th time this season that the Bandits have failed to score.
The Tribe took down the Ice Kings in a shootout. Kings still earn a point for the overtime loss, while the Tribe continues to roll with their fourth consecutive win.
The Silver Bullets got a gimmie from the Spider Monkeys as the Monkeys forfeited the game.
The Jags rolled the Sens 4-2 in a tribute to the Ice Gators. It was a tribute to the Gators because they had only one person on the bench.
Thats my take, whats yours?
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
How was the new ref?
I liked him. Can't speak for anyone else, but he seemed to understand that it was the I league and he actually instructed instead of just leaning against the boards. How long will that last I don't know.
Bus sens
When the refs heard that our game was a forfiet they decied not to ref it at all but to put on skates and show everybody at nytyex just how much better they are then a bunch of I-league players. If that is foreshadowing the kinda of refs were gonna have they I really cant see what all the hype was about. it went from a scheduled season game to f**kin drop in hockey where anybody any skill could play. I would have rather just lets us and the two guys from SM that were there have the ice time and play 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 at least that way everybody on the team could have played and at least been able to touch the puck, enjoyed themselves and at least had an chance to play hockey.
silver 10
Silver 10,
I kept asking Joanne if she wanted me to have those guys tone it down. She kept telling me know, it's fine, and even a couple of your teammates said it was fun, because it was making them try harder, and they were learning from it. I appologize for you not having a good time. That is what i stressed to her allll week long in our emails, that i just wanted us to have fun. I however did not know that the Jr Brahmas kids, and Scott of the Brahmas were going to skate with us. For some of you Bullets, i'm sure it wasn't fun, nor did it help you learn anything. But for myself, and the 2 SM's that actually came, we learned a great deal from Scott, and the kids did hold back some, pass, and try to set me up in front of the net a few times(which i failed). Oh yeah, and old man Ivy helped quite a bit on teahing as well. So once again, i sincerely appologize for you not having fun, that was not what i intended.
James Hurley #66
Did those Jr kids have a waiver? No under 18 should be playing in the league...
The spider monkeys silver bullets game was a forfeit from the start. JoAnne and James the two coordinators were in constant communication.
Since it was not a sanctioned game any longer there were no rules. But to have RJ Pike, and a kid under 18 scoring 7-8 goals on an I-League goalie wasn't fun for him or anyone else on the team (Except for Ethan apparently). Jim, our normal coach, even told RJ and the kid to chill out on scoring, which they did, after 2 more goals. I honestly don't see how anyone had fun out there watching them skate around.
One of the kids was your coaches son Jimmy Anderson.
lol, this #156 guy plays for every team in the league huh?
Hmmm, when Karma is presented such a delima of how to handle such matters, I always ask 'WWHD'
What Would Hvidston Do?
let us not go there please
How about that we got a 99 comment, now all we need is a Stingers comment.
I will comment on the Jags/Sens game. Those Jags went out and skated their butts off and won the game six verses eleven.
The one defensemen from the Sens looked like he was having balance issues falling twice during the warm up. Rumor is he was was still feeling the Brahma's Golf Tournament effect. Good effort by Rocky in net for the Jags. The Sens just ran out of time at the end. Very "spirited" effort on both sides.
I did talk with the Ref Scott from the Brahmas about the Bullets/Monkeys game. HE said it was the first time in three years he put on any hockey gear. From the comments above I am thinking he might make a good ringer for the Silver league. Let the bidding begin. The Blazers will start with one practice jersey and a used puck.
Sens #8
what was the deal sat. night was it the stars game, or is this league starting to dwindle, there were multiple teams with hardly anyone on the bench and one team had to forfeit with lack of players, I hate when you show up to play a real game and the other team doesnt have enough players..
Frustrated player
I know I was missing 3 people because their kids play on one of the Jr Brahmas team that played in tournments this past weekend in Ok. So they were there with their kids. And I did have one go to the Stars game
All the cool kids can't afford to go to the stars game.
Hey everyone, if you have fans come to the game make sure you keep them under control because scott has the self appointed power to call the game when they get "out of control" and by that I mean not saying anything at all and him just being a jerk. I cant believe i'm saying this but I miss Bohl....
I miss Bob and Nate
I miss playing without sandbaggers...
I-leaguer #156
I predict that with the advent of late night week day games the attendance of our league will drop further. Bad for Nytex good for Euless…
F Euless, and their lame ass run time games plus 1 am starts.
I agree with anon above. F Euless. That is where I came from. There are just as many sandbaggers over there as there are at Nytex or anywhere for that matter. The run time was BS, and I do remember starting at 1 or even 1:15 a few times. Not any fun at all.
Hey anonymous! If referring to the Silver league game where the fans started berrating the scorekeeper. I heard from the 16 year old girl in the scorekeepers box that those fans saw fit to berrate her with obsienities. What did she do? Why would they feel it necesary to berate her. Thank Scott for having enough sense to stop that crap. Bag on the ref, bag on the players but, the scorekeeper? Come on guys thats crap.
Miss Manners
Oh jeez, leave those scorekeepers alone eh! You want to yells at someone, yell at the refs, their use to it eh
Ha Ha, I was involved in that game. It was a deciding playoff game and the refs actually ended it with about 5 min to play due to fan's bad behavior.
I think the ref actaully tried to kick the fans out of the rink but they refused to budge so the game was called and the fan's team took the loss.
Y'all werent there so dont act like you know what happened. The score keep didnt like them yelling and supporting their team and yelling at the other team and so she took it upon her self to complain for no reason. After she asked the ref to call the game she certainly heard some obsceneties since she had no business robbing players of paid ice time. Maybe nytex should invest in scorekeepers who arent 14 year old girls who spend all their time on facebook, myspace and texting while they are supposed to be watching the game and um, I donno, SCOREKEEPING. Nytex should really get their crap together and enforce rules for both teams and make sure there is a level playing field because there clearly is not.
The Ref is there to insure safety on the ice. If a fan gets out of hand with the scorekeeper (a rink employee) the phone should be dialed 9-1-1. There is provision to let the Refs call a bench minor on the team the hanger-on belongs to while the cops are coming as well ;) I used to leave my cell in the scorekeepers box at every game I worked, for just such and emergency. Usually parents or coaches getting stupid.
#2 Kings
I can keep score myself. Where is the music this season? Last two seasons at least a few of our games had full sound during stoppages. I attribute my reduced production this season to the lack of metal and cowbell prior to faceoffs, and would appreciate greatly the return of danzig thundering through the arena.
Johnny Upton, #12
Uh, I was at the game as I was skating in it. Agreed that they should not have called the game as yes both sides were robbed of ice. Yes, fans get emotional and short of physical threats, the scorekeeper should just push her Ipod speakers deeper into her ears and deal with it.
Really the whole thing was quite silly to say the least.
The refs need to control a game but they also need to keep in mind that we are paying customers and without our fees, there is no them. They simply got to go home a little earlier and got paid the same.
I gotta have more cowbell.......
#27 Stingers
We will ring your bell tonight. See you on the ice.
P.S. Missing hearing AC/DC while waiting for face off.
I don't care if you paid or not, there is no reason to be yelling at the score keeper other than correcting the score. And you don't need any obscenities to do that.
yeah i was playing in the silver league game that was called. There was a fight on the ice and of course the fans started yelling at players involved. Fact is the scorekeeper turned and started yelling at the fans to shut up and told them that SHE would kick them out as the fans were yelling at players (as fans do) so yeah that quickly turned the fans attention to the stupid chick who was keeping score when she wasnt texting or on myspace. the little bitch then told the ref to kick the fans that were doing nothing wrong but normall yelling cheering/jeering so of course the fans were not about to leave because they did nothing wrong so f-that chick for ending the game for everyone and the players didnt get the full ice time that they are paying for.
i was skating in the silver league game that was called to and was the shamefull participant in the on ice fight. that chick should be bludgened with various random blunt objects for ruining the end of the game because she had her feelings hurt that fans were yelling at players on the team she was cheering for. fact is...if that normall guy (mexican guy dont know his name) was keeping score there would NEVER have been any problem.
Roger-former ice gator who moved up to enjoy the silver league world with the rest of the stingers team...wait, wha?? lol
girl who was the score keeper must go.
lol@stingers comment
yeah i also never thought i would hear myself say i miss Bohl...
Jags would be better if that chick would quit trying to play center oooohhhh hahahaha
-#99 loves black men
lol...that is all
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