The recap will have to be brief this week. The Ice Kings pitched another shut out (their third straight). The Indians finally found the win column. The Stingers beat the Senators in a heated battle. The Jaguars took down the Bandits. Why dont you the readers of the blog fill us in on what all happened this weekend. Load up the comments with the side stories to the action that was week three.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
The Sens and Stingers waged an epic battle with the Bus shutting down the stingers through two periods and the Sens ahead. The Sens poised to finally take a game from the Stingers fell short in third. The Sens bubble was burst when Meek scored on one sick tip in and a fancy rebound putting the Stingers up by one in the third period. Penalties, emotions, and fatigue finally ended the Sens bid late in the third. Emotions continued to spill out after the game, however cooler heads prevailed.
I will say those in attendence were very loud and seemed to evoke the ire of the game official. Great game, great fun, great times.
Can't wait for the next one.
Sens #2
It's is pretty sad the there were few people stands at 1 in the morning and the ref was irritated enough to flip them off multiply times and even threated too kick them out of the rink...seriously you are a ref....seriously burto (spelling) is a proffesional and shouldn't even listen too the stands...all 5 of them
Bus Sens
Too all my teamattes and stingers I feel that I must appoligize for saturday night/sunday morning. I felt that the ref missed many calls on both sides and screwed up the ones that he did call. All he wanted too do was go home. There were multiply times that i was getting some water didn't have my glove on and my helmet was half way off when he dropped the puck. Regardless I shouldn't have gotten so heated. I think that 1AM is a past my bed time.
Ice Kings and Spider Monkeys waged a yawner of a battle as all the action was in the Spider Monkeys end of the rink. The IK's dropped 1/2 hundred shots on the SM's net minder while they managed one shot through most the game. I think they got another shot in at the end.
Who's next?
Are the Ice Kings really the Dallas Stars prospects in disguise? Three shut outs in a row is a Bronze League record. Their goalie stats are flawless.
Or is it more the case that the Spider Monkeys are more of an I league team in the true sense of the word "instructional". Meanwhile the Kings have a nice collection of hangers on.....ego not fueled enough to depart the entry league for the more challenging waters of Silver league. Karma thinks a bit of both are in play here.
Sounds like I missed a great one Stingers vs Sens...
Stripes throuwing the bird... classic!
It's ok, if the Kings keep on like this, they'll be done after this session. 40+shots in 2 out of 3 games, and at least 7 goals... they're worse than those one off teams like the Hurricanes and Lady Stars.
On another note. Funny exchange between the Stingers and Senators Captains after last nights fiasco.
Sens: "I'm sorry for the way things happened."
Stingers: Mumble Mumble
Sens: "But you know, don't you think its about time y'all moved on?"
Stingers: "Maybe a couple of us could move up."
Sens: "Half this league has moved up, it's about time."
Stingers: "Have you seen D-League hockey?"
Sens: "Yeah... I play in it."
I walked away after that.
Come on Stingers, 5 years of I-League, aren't you tired of people passing you by!?
And in case you're wondering, I've seen D-League too. I've also played in it... and I've only played Ice hockey for 9 months.
As for the Indians/Bullets game. Hard fought battle. I enjoyed having Bill on the bench, he really knows how to light a fire under you, kept lines moving very quickly, and made me feel, as a whole, that the team was playing a faster more up-tempo game.
I still say I deserve an assist for the GWG, putting it right there on top of the crease was a huge mistake on my part.
Good Game to the Indians. Always fun playing y'all.
Yeah the whole purpose of the league is to develop players and send them up to D League. Not just keep the same team for 7 years playing together on Saturday Nights. Its more of a fraternity for those Stingers that it is an ILeague team. Horseshit I tell you.
Tell me what?
I say we petition the league and get the Kings and Stingers out!
How can out shooting a team 50+ to 2 be any fun for either side of that coin?
Just sayin....
Well to me it seems the Ice Queens are this year what the Ice Gators were last year. The one team that Everyone Hates, that has no problum running up the score or the shot count against teams like the two true I-league teams in this league the Bandits and the Spider Monkeys.
WOW, this is had to believe. I might actually find myself having to route for the Stingers if the finals were to end up being the Stingers VS Ice Kings.
One good possablity, maybe with their 4th title, maybe then the Stinger might think about moving up or out finally. Then again maybe not.
So being that the Queens and Ringers are too good for Bronze league, does that mean it's open season to invite ringers when we play either team? I think so.
Horsey - Funny Schtick!
The Bullets vs Indians was an amazing game. Bullets easily played there best game, but sadly we fell to a tie breaking goal in the third. Every game so far between us and the Indians have been close. Best part of all they have been clean and fun.
Im really tired of the Stingers, I have played a total of 16 ice hockey games in my life and already I feel like I have passed those guys. All the Stingers are is just of bunch of bitches bitchen. I have never seen a group of grown men with worse sportsmanship. This last game really showed me how little class they have.
As far as the Kings go, they can stay in the league as long as they allow them to be. Whatever helps them sleep at night. Really the only thing that upsets me the most about them is that they have a FULL bench. Im talking shoulder to shoulder on the home bench. There are some teams in this league who struggle to get two lines every game. They need to shave that roster and help out some other teams in the league. This would also maybe even them out with the league.
screw you Krajewski
I agree - before you call anybody a bitching bitch, look at what happened - #8 (frustrated C-league player) took a full-on slap-shot toward our bench well AFTER the final buzzer, solidly hitting one of our guys. After I skated up to him, he cross-checked me to the ice. I don't know why I didn't drop my gloves and bloody him, but the fact is I did not - what would you do Krajewski... by the way, I don't give a shit about his talent, but intentionally trying to hurt someone is pure BULLSHIT the NYTEX should never tolerate
Stingers #88
Stinger 88 I watched the game. He didn't try to hurt anyone, he shot it and then one of your guys got off the bench and it hit his shin. I know Zach personally, it isnt his style to purposely hurt someone.
A) Dont try and say he cross checked you, we ALL saw it. You got in his face and then fell backwards.
B) The reason you didnt bloody him up is because you fell over...
C) Tell 24 on your team to take a chill pill. That dude rages hardcore.
D) Im still going to call you bitchy bitches because I think its a pretty clever nickname IMO.
Gunter didn't take a full on slapshot at somebody. Trust me if he would have it would have done more then just bounce off him. I've taken a puck from him in the helmet and it isn't a pretty feeling. Second of all, he didn't crosscheck you, you ran into him and fell over. Another thing if you are going too say screw you too somebody on the blog stand up and put who you are. That is pretty cowardly.
bus sens
How big a man-crush do you have on Zach? I guess love is blind....
and yet another cowardly anonymous post
bus sens
Dude, you have no idea. But that is for a different time.
So I have decided there is too much hate in this blog so I have composed a sing a long. I will start.
"Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note"
Stingers, let's be serious here. How many years have you been playing together? 5+ years right. I honestly want to know why you guys stay in such a low league... what do you find enjoyable about beating the same teams over and over again?
Is it the camaraderie in the locker room?
The endless winning? (How many times are you on the Keg again?)
The fact that everyone else in the league is tired of y'alls shit, yet you persist to be poor sports, commit penalties, then throw your hands up in protest complaining about the elbow that the skater (who has only been skating for 3 months) threw in your direction?
I bet the last one myself!
Let's get serious here. It's about time for everyone on your team to move on... save for your goalie, I think if he had to move sideways once he'd have a heart attack, but whatever. It works for you. I personally know of about 30 people that have spent less than 3 sessions in the Bronze League before moving up; not 3 years, 3 sessions. A total of about a 1.5 years.
Time to move on Stingers.
I seriously look forward to our game.
ok, if we're gonna get all mushy and musical, here's one from me:
Don't take it the wrong way - just pretend it's TO me, and not FROM me.
Stingers #88
... was that suppose to be funny?
Ego feuling bunch of misfits!!!! We are a great lot!!! I am really going to miss this fun when the fall silver session starts. Hope to see many of you there. If not this season the next. I have an idea for next week. Lets bring in the Derby Devils crowd for our games.
Great to have a new blogger in Arch Angel 156. Looks like we may have lost Gator 156 in the swaps of Louisiana. Great times!!! Looks like some really good matchups this weekend.
Thanks to all who stayed up late and cheered hard during the midnight madness, we may not have always heard what you were saying but it was great to hear somebody yelling.
Sens #2
all of the players and teams in this league are getting better. roll with it.
ice kings 22
I think the Stingers should stay in the I-league. The Silver League would hand them their arse.
They have a hard enough time come year end, after I-league players have developed some skills and begin playing better team games.
They are a very beatable squad. Consider them the Red Wings of the I-league; a regular contender that is great to hate.
Johnny Upton
#12 Sens
you guys are just a bunch of high school girls just bitching about everything!!! just play the damn game!!! no matter in what league you join anywhere else it's going to be the same thing! so just shut up and man up!!! it's hockey!!!
Me thinks Anon 11:19 is on a ringer team!
And as far as 'getting your arse handed to you in Silver' yes, there is a painful learning curve but guess adapt and start playing better hockey!
How did we get off track here, why are we talking about the Stingers. Its the same thing with the Stingers every season, they dont move up, have great jerseys, and are the yankees/red wings/steelers of the league. Its good to have a target to aim for.
We need to get back on point here, the Ice Queens have a 3-0 record, and they have not been scored on. Does this raise a red flag with anyone else. Who are these two new young ringers they have on their squad. The Bandits I know for a fact got rid of all their ringers, the Monkeys and Spartans are in the same boat. Those three teams are terrible, but I league teams none the less. What is it with Gretzky loading up his team? The Jags? What the puck
I like the Stinger /Red Wing comparision very true. You always know who is on their team (no suprise ringers)its the same season after season and yes they have been beaten. They give us all something to shoot for. Realistically 25 - 30% of the Bronze League could move up to Silver and survive. In a perfect hockey world each Bronze league team would partner with a Silver league team so as players advance they move up to that team. This is being done by the Kings / Kings and Senators / Blazers. By doing this players could stay together and play year after year. If we can keep feeding the Silver league players eventually they may add a true D and C league. Love to read the Rants and Blogs.
Sens#8 formaly Sens#2
the ice kings are not that good they just havent played the mixed teams yet they have played the true i league teams. and they obviously dont play the right way if they are too good give the other people who arent a chance to touch the puck and shot and what not and not have the upper level play hard all game long. and 88 on the stingers youre about as dumb as box of rocks. the thought of some stupid 30 or 40 year old men wanting to fight i found quite funny. if you want to get your ass kicked at hockey at fighting or whatever let me know. :)
and p.s. yall have been a team longer than i have been playing hockey is that not sad that yall suck so bad?
Zach Sens
I'm guess you all forgot the stingers whole bench got beat by 5 people a few weeks ago. Just sayin. Haha
The gators also partnered with the Jedi and moved some players up.
I'd rather play against the ice kings and get beat since I'm friends with most of them then play against the stingers and have to listen to them bitch the whole game about something. My advice? Shut the hell up, play hockey and have fun! That's what this is about and you're ruining it for everyone with your constant bitching and that goes for more people than just the stingers.
And none of yall can bitch to me about hockey injuries cuz I lost teeth and am still playing. Grow some balls and stop complaining about every little "slap shot" or whatever. It's childish.
Zach Gaydos --- Jaguars
Roger Bishop
All I league teams have gotten better. It takes a mixture of talent to make the true I League players improve. I can score goals in D League and I League. I am the coordinator for the D League Ice Kings. Kent Gordon is the coordnator for the I League Ice Kings. I am playing down in in I League to help those players grow and to give them the chance to move up to D League. The D League Ice Kings has Gold League players playing down to improve the D League players. The Ice Kings I League team will have some competition coming up. The Jaguars, Keller Indians, and Stingers will be good games. Play the game correctly by playing position, pass the puck to your fellow teammates and the best team shall win. The Stingers are beatable as I helped last season as a sub with the Arch Angels to beat the Stingers 4 to 1. One of the goals was by myself on a break away. Senators / Blazers are doing the same thing as the Ice Kings / Ice Kings. Bill Ivey (Ice Kings I League coach) the coach is even subbing a few games on the D League Ice Kings. Lets play good clean aggressive hockey. See all of you on the ice.
#99, you're so full of shit! How do you help?! By telling everyone, hey, watch me?! Or is it by knocking people down, and clearing the way for you and your team to bully the other team? Please, explain to me how you "help" your team learn. There may be 1 or 2 players on your I-league team that could use some help. But for the rest of you, you all need to move up to D. I've heard from other D league players that you play just as dirty in D. Why do that in I? If i'm wrong about ANY of this, please correct me.
James Hurley #66
Monkeys coordinator
TO Michael #99 Ice Kings 7:54 pm. All I got out of your last entry was - I, I, I, ME, ME, LOOK AT ME, I, I, LOOK AT ME NOT PASS, I'M THE BEST, I'M A TEACHER, SCOUTS ARE LOOKING AT ME AND GRETZKY TOOK MY JERSEY NUMBER.
To Anonymous comment @ September 15, 2009 9:14 PM. Hiding behind a generic name. Put your name out there and lets talk. You afraid? 6 games between I and D league in a row the last 3 weeks with no penalties.
As far as comment by James Hurley #66 Monkeys coordinator.....sorry that your team has not improved. You may consider getting your team out on the ice to practice more.
Six games without a penalty? Were you benched those six games? Maybe you're ready for the C league Superstar.
Man, you're weak. Plain and simple. It's hard to get better when we play teams like yours which make us defend,a nd chase the whole damn game!How are we supposed to learn doing that? This is my second season ever. I am getting better. I spend a ton of time at Nytex trying to improve myself. As far as the rest of my team, they aren't always available to do that. Some of us/them have lives outside of sandbagging. So before you go on with your weak little jabs, why don't you take a look in the mirror. I'm here to help make this a better league, and to keep it fun like it should be. But when we get people like you in it, it defeats the purpose. So when you get your NHL contract signed, please let me know, and i'll be the first one in line to appologize for my comments. But until then, you keep digging yourself a hole buddy.
Zach Gaydos (Jaguars) - The Ice Kings look forward to playing your team this Saturday. Should be a great game. See you on the ice. Those lime green gloves clash with your yellow jersey. :)
Reply to James Hurley #66 Monkeys coordinator: < Ice Kings vs. Spider Monkies > No penalties in last weeks game to the Ice Kings. The the Spider Monkies got a penalty. Your goalie from last season (Mike Best) played in net for us.
Yeah, Todd messed up and got called. You on the other hand, just either didn't get seen by Burto, or he let them go. You hauled me down once, and one of the ladies on our team 3 damn times! And everyone saw #99 do it. And WTF does Best playing in net for you all have to do with anything?!
Trust me.....the refs are watching every move I make on the ice. I do remember skating into someone as I was trying to get to the bench. Was that you? There were no woman that I skated into. I have no hard feelings towards you. Do you want me to sub for your team? The Ice Kings will meet the Spider Monkies again.
Well, compared to you, she is very small, so you might not have felt it. And yes, that was me on your way back to the bench. I have no hard feelings either Michael. Your a good skater no doubt, but when 3/4 of your team skates the way you all do, do you honestly think it's fun, or a good learning experience for the rest of us? That's the point I am trying to make in all my arguements. Nothing personal against you, the Ice Kings, or the Stingers. And thanks for the offer, but I'm pretty sure we'll be ok the next time we play each other.
FYI: My first game was with the Spider Monkies last September in a play off game. Dean Hamelwright #3got me out on the ice for the first time in 11 years. I scored a goal and got slashed in the chin. 4 stitches were put in at HEB ER which cost $800. I continued to play the game hurt with blood soaking up in my goatee. I was # 00 at that time.
want a cookie?
Listen Ice Clown #99 the only reason you haven't taken a penalty this season (well except when you did you turtle impression, and cried your way out the game misconduct) is because of Bill. We all know Bill has told you that if you do start getting offensive penalties he would kick you off you own team. Oh and about you not making yourself team captain,were you not wearing the "C" on your jersey this past saturday. And also we all know dispite what you want to believe you getting booted from the bullets was not mutual. They kick you to the curb because of how you played.
Tim Krajewski: Are you ready for the Ice Kings again? I am recruiting Kasey Bird "The Birdman".
LOL "The Birdman" may soon be working with me. We are talking work....not hockey.
I forgot to cover up the "C" with white tape last Saturday. The D League is using the same white jerseys. I am the coordinator on the D League Ice Kings. I will make sure there is white tape over it for this Saturday's game. I guess the ref could have called a penalty for having a "C" on my jersey if he wanted to.
I feel ya on the 4 stitches, I played one with a paper cut on my finger.. Rough shit.
I really regret that people like Hvidston get the exposure they do in this league. I hate the fact that a team like the Stingers gets the pleasure of laughing at this league complaining about them after 5 years of playing together.
I especially hate this stuff because people like Ryan and Kyle Kelly of the Indians, Kacy Bird of the Bullets, Guntar of the Sens, and Gaydos of the Jags actually help people in the league. All the while, people like Hvidston masks their egos and insecurities by claiming they are playing down to help others.
Everyone can see who is actually helping this league, and unfortunately, Hvidston, you've done absolutely nothign to benefit anyone... except for maybe keeping their necks warm with those homosexual scarfs.
All the complaining and bashing continues. I have no hard feelings towards the Silver Bullets. I am available to sub for the Silver Bullets. It appears you need the help.
Those Stingers are a bunch of "no talent ass clowns".
I miss those Gators.
Gator Hater
Just a reminder about subbing, you can only play for your team. If you sub in for another team, that team automatically loses.
This rule is in place to prevent teams from just recruiting players in the hallway before a game. This way each team in the league is a true team, and the league is more fair.
No Micheal we do not need the help. We have a great team just like last session. Yes we have lost 2 in a row, to good (some might even say too good) teams. Win or loose we have a good time and laugh and joke in the locker room about it afterwards. And all without the creepy staring now.
"Can we all just get along"
Nytex: Glad you are starting to enforce some of the rules and getting entertained with the blog. As you can see on here the Stingers and the I League Ice Kings are not liked. Last week I saw a Gold league player playing for the Bandits. He was playing a clean game and down to I League level. I thought players were only able to play down one level. Many want these two teams to move up. A word to Nytex - would it be possible to have a 4th league? Currently there is only Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
I can honestly say there is no need for a fourth league. D-League is not that huge of a jump. It's a bit faster paced, and yes you do have to work for your ice, but it's just as much a developmental league as the Bronze league is.
People need to get over the fear of moving up to a higher competition and make the jump. It's not that bad!
But how can I impress the chicks and make up for my inability to make the travel team 8 years ago if I do that!
I'm changing my jersey number to 99! :banana:
Nytex is pleased to see the number of players making the jump to the Silver League. This is very encouraging indeed. I agree with teh previous poster that the jump is not that big, once you feel ready just take a leap of faeth and go for it.
For now three leagues is all we can handle.
i miss the gators to...
do you like fish sticks 99??
Roger Bishop
former gator
LMAO. Reading this was my big laugh for the day!
Fish sticks.......haha
Man, you guys must not have anything else to do with yourselves..... Why all the hate?
Last time I checked, this was supposed to be a recreational league. You'd think some of you are getting paid or something.
Zach Gunter, what were you thinking at the end of the game against the Stingers? Why would you ever pull a bonehead stunt like you did at the end of the game? Don't you realize you could seriously hurt someone with that shot? I don't care how hard you shot it either. What if one of those guys had taken thier helmet off and you hit him in the head? Talk about a classless act.....
You should have your hockey card ripped up and thrown away.
I am thinking of changing my number to 66. Maybe all the bashing and complaining will stop. But the Silver Bullets and others would still complain as it would be still 99 when then stand on their head. :)
Jeeze Anon5:16, why all the hate on Zach? It's just rec league hockey.
If you have your helmet off while you're on the ice, you deserve to get hit in the head. Hockey 101.
And Hvdiston, nah, then you'd just get shit for ripping Lemieux's number.
Man, maybe we should consider cutting zach some slack - afterall, if you follow this thread, he was beaten by a bunch of "no talent ass clowns" that were previously beaten by a 5 man team. Their center is a stupid 30 to 40 year old who is dumb as a box of rocks and falls down all by himself. They have little class, poor sportsmanship and are a group of bitches bitchen. AND they have great jerseys. That is the true definition of the "Agony of Defeat" - how would you feel ??
#68 belongs to Jaromir Jagr of Pittsburgh Penguins
Hello Brandon - Silver Bullets
#66 belongs to Mario Lemieux of Pittsburgh Penguins
Hello James - Spider Monkies
#20 belongs to Eddie Belfour Toronto Maple Leafs
Hello TJ - Silver Bullets
So whatever number I wear, players are going to bitch. I wore #00 a year ago and one said a word.
Now they would complain that Chevy Chase owns that number on the Chicago Black Hawks. "Christmas Vacation"
Michael, I am truly neutral on the issue, but based on the comments I am reading, sounds like a lot of guys would have you change the number to 666 !!
666 - Sounds like Satan devil worship thing. I do the Michael Myers acting at Hangmans House of Horrors.
Not gona lie, if I had children the last place I would want them to be is near you in a dark room...
#99 No one complained about you wearing the number 00 because it's not nice to make fun of someone who wears his IQ.
You've got one of those wrong.
#20 Belongs to Eddie Belfoure of THE DALLAS STARS! Everyone knows he never played for another team!
Eddie Belfour played most of his career (1988 - 1997) with the Chicago Black Hawks and wore #30. Then played part of season for the San Jose Sharks. He then joined up with the Dallas Stars in the middle of 1997 and had to change his number to #20. The Dallas Stars are originally from Minnesota. They were the Minnesota North Stars from 1967 to 1996 He left the Dallas Stars in 2002 and went to the Toronto Maple Leafs as #20 until 2006. 2006 - 2007 he played for the Florida Panthers NHL team. He played NCAA college hockey for UND Souix in Grand Forks North Dakota where I was born. I do know my hockey.
Wow! Not only can he single handedly make your team 3-0 with 3 shut outs, he's a student of the game! Or is he simply good at decide.
You guys make me laugh!! This is some kinda funny. Who cares about hockey, there's more bashin on this blog than the ice!!! I like it, keep up the funny :)
#22 Bullets
This is why I don't wear #00 anymore. I passed hockey school. I do have an authentic Kings #99 Gretzky jersey and a authentic #30 Chicago Blackhawks Belfour jersey in my closet . I set #68 up on hockey history and he missed the goal. More bashing coming.... Be careful you may get a penalty for talking too bad on here. :)
It was pretty obvious that #68 was joking when he said The Eagle didnt play for anyother team. Considering he is a Stars fan. Just like with me being a fan of the Red Wings, I view Federov and Shanny as Wings and they always will be.
Brandon, what Zach did was unexcusable..... plain and simple. Did you see what he did? If not, you got nothing. If you did, how can you justify what he did? I don't think you can. The game was over. I have seen some guys take equipment off after the game, so someone without a helmet isn't that uncommon. True, you probably should leave it on until you get off of the ice, but I have seen some that either tip it up on top of the head or remove it completly. I doubt that before he took a shot right into the middle of the Stingers, he assessed whether or not people had thier equipment on. No, what that was, is a total lack of judgment, common sense and sportsmanship. He should be banned from NYTEX.
Well if it's going this way I have an authentic Manon Rheaume Tampa Bay Lighting jersey at home and it's even signed
Wonderful on that Ed Belfour rant. Point is I picked it for the Stars. I don't give two shits about the other teams, I picked the team where he won a cup and carried his team quite well. No one questioned your hockey knowledge, that and it's not hard to use Wikipedia. (Now your hockey knowledge has been questioned)
I was most definitely joking about the Belfour, and you forgot to mention the most amazing fact of all concerning the Eagle. He was never drafted. He was signed as a free agent where he worked his ass off to take over the starting job, only to become one of the best net-minders the game has seen. And if you'd notice that he's only won a Cup with one Team.... THE DALLAS STARS. He is, and will always be, a Star.
As far as seeing what Zach did, yes I was there. I was in the stands, you know, one of the two people yelling. Great fun annoying you guys by the way. What Zach did was not some sort of punishable offense. He was obviously slightly frustrated and just shot the puck down the ice. I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but he was on the other side of his bench as well. I don't think he would maliciously shoot the puck past his entire team just to get one of your guys!
Classy move to get him suspended from this weeks game though. Maybe if we all bitch to Knute we can finally get you guys moved up? Or maybe get our 10 min fighting penalties removed from our records and suspensions revoked? Knute honestly seems like a push over from my stand point.
This is sure fun bashing on here. Easy to get under the skin of young hockey players who I use to play with. Anyways, removing the penalty was justified. Talk to your teammate #65 Scott Stevens. He owned up to his behavior. I never through a punch. 10 minute misconduct fighting penalty requires both players to throw punches. I served more than I should have already. We are having a few beer together soon.
As far as bashing Knute? I would be careful what you say as you are playing on his ice.
The last game the Ice Kings had no penalties again. The Spider Monkies got one penalty. A Spider Monkey grabbed my stick and throw it across the ice. He went to the box.
I think some of you I leaguers should consider reviewing the rules of hockey before you continue bashing more and getting back on the ice.
Many are starting to find it entertaining on here. I thought the #99 talk would have quit a few weeks ago. Guess I was wrong. Will it ever end??? :)
...ok stop payment for i come euless
No one is bringing up your penalty minutes. Why do you keep bringing them up? You are the only person I know that thinks not getting any PIM is something worthy of noting. Of course the shit talking will never end. You are trying to argue with 19 and 20 year olds. We have nothing better to do then make you old people e-rage. About saying something about Knute, what we say off the ice is off the ice. I dont know why you insist of trying to win this smack talking war. Maybe you are trying to act like a tough guy I dono. Then again if I drove a blue love bug I would have to remind myself I was a man too.
OMG! This will be post 92 (Maybe). I think if we get this bad boy to 100 we would set a new record.
easy fix to everyone's situation... have all the coordinators have a meeting at the end of the season and come up with a list of their "ringers" in the league, allow them to play BUT if they score a goal it is disallowed and a 2 min. penelty is asessted to the "ringer". This stops all "ringers" from controlling games and make them actually work and help the team as they say they do.
Although it is a decent idea it would never work. People wouldn't decide on who ringers were and then people would just end up bringing in other ringers.
Bus sens
This is getting really funny. Us old farts deal with things better. Not getting to me. I am hoping for a 100 comments. I got the 99th comment reserved for me. :)
I am confused. I hear I am a shitty hockey player at times and then I hear I am a ringer. We are getting close to comment #99.
bus i hear ya but as your coach i know ALOT of the "ringers" in this area and could very well pick them out before the game...however it would have to be a rule that is stood strong throughout the league and refs
no more holding back. time to just start lighting people up and winning games i want to see someone try to get me in trouble for scoring to many goals in a game. when oh yeah the team that scores the most goals wins the game. if im gonna pay my money to play i can play how i want to i dont have to hold back but yeah im still gonna pass to my team mates but as far as giving anybody room on the ice not gonna happen. and just because yall cant aim and control where yalls shots go doesnt mean we all cant. if you want to see me shot head high wait til next time we play the stingers i suggest not standing in front of the net.
It takes a "Real Man" to drive a Love Bug. I have 4 of them. I wear pink Polo shirts too.
.... i drive an 05 dodge ram that tops at at 154 and a 1980 camaro that is about too have a 6.2 in it and will probably hit 160...just sayin
Bus sens
I got comment #99. I am with you Zach. These "I Leaguers" want to complain on here. Say we are ringers. I got one goal which was the first goal of this season with the Ice Kings. I got things started for the team. Be ready for lots of goals. We pay to play. I am going to get my monies worth now. Silver Bullets: I will score. I am coming at you TJ. Let's see if you can stop my shot.
Comment #99 I intentionally mis-spelled Ice Kings to mark my spot.
Now we are talking cars on a hockey blog.
(short version at bottom)
No one is under my skin... and I've yet to see someone call you a ringer. They've called you dirty, said you can skate, but never once said you were a ringer. Hell, I've played half as many D-League games as you and have the same amount of goals. You're far from a ringer.
The 99 talk isn't going to stop for a long time. Probably not until you move on. And if Knute get's worked up over being called a push-over (which he has proved to be thus far) he's got a power-issue. There's plenty of other ice to go play on; and it's been strongly considered. Thankfully, for every #99 in this league that gets on peoples nerves, there's 2 great people like Joanne, Fred, the Kelly's, Kacy, hell the rest of the Bullets, Sens, Bandits, Monkies, and 95% of the Angels that are good people and make it enjoyable every game.
As far as your penalty minutes, it's already been posted on here why you don't have any, and yes we know its true. I can say for sure that there was a reason Scott whaled on you, he's not this big goon we had just for you. He's never been someone to snap like that (although I have to admit, it was great to watch). I support him 110% in what he did.
I can tell you right now that the biggest problem in this league is people not standing up for their teams and that teams believes towards issues concerning the league. It's always one-off comments after a game or posts on this blog, but no one takes action towards an end with ringers, goons, etc. We need to support our teams, communicate the issues and find solutions as teams. Organize and things will get done.
For instance, I highly recommend the Senators protesting Guntar's suspension whether you thing he was right or not. Support your teammate, stupid decision or not! If your team feels there is a ringer, email Knute as whole; chances are other people are complaining too. Work together. I honestly hope people don't worry about what the other people outside of your team in this league think. As you can see #99 doesn't... he drives a bug and is proud of it (lets not bring up the jean shorts, haha).
TL;DR Version:
1) #99 is not a ringer, but a tool who drives a blue bug.
2) I have more goals in D-League than him, hence not a ringer
3)Appreciate the good people in this league (see paragraph for names)
4)Problem in this league is not ringers, it's lack of team support
5) Support your teammates decisions, stupid or not!
6) Work together!
Im way too lazy to read this entire thing but Im going to say the majority is not calling you a ringer 99 but its more of your team that is too good. Not so much you. That said. I dont think you are a bad player, but to me you are not a ringer.
Also is it just me or are the captcha sometime really hard to make out what the letters are suppose to be? And we hit over 100 post! I think the league should have a pizza party.
Damn #68 - You sure know how to write a novel. I suppose you want to start bashing me about my boxer shorts now? Your not getting my blood pressure up. Sounds as though your panties are in a wad.
Pizza Party sounds great Tim. Ice Kings will have one once it takes the keg. We may even let you have a Silver Bullet beer with us.
Nah Hvidston, I'm not goign to comment on your boxers, I'm not the one that stares at other players as they change.....
I think this has gone on too long. Ringers, and teams that need to move up. We can gripe all day long on here, but that's not going to help as much as going to Knute, and Chad and talk to them, which I did yesterday. I don't know if Knute gets on here and reads, but I know Chad does. We're all in this to have fun, AND learn to get better. Nytex needs us just as much as we need them. But we all have to work together. Let's get back to playing hockey, and have fun doing it. None of us get paid to play (except Michael), and none of us are going to win the Stanley Cup.
And I've not said anything about Zach Gunter yet since his mishap, but Zach is a standup guy. I've talked to him many times, and he loves the game as much as anyone. He's not a trouble maker, he's not a goon, he's not a ringer. So the Zach haters need to chill out. Everyone gets frustrated at one time or another on the ice.
Oh, and I drive a 2000 sleeper ws6 if anyone wants to run em for some pucks. ;)
let me get my camaro done and we can run :)
Bus sens
#68 - I would hope you did not stare when I changed. But there is one player on your team that did. I will not mention their name.
The weekend is alomost here. Time to play hockey. See you all on the ice. Maybe this is the end of this blog story or should I say blog novel .... :)
My 1125R will take anyone in a straight away, or on the track! And I've got plenty of pucks.
As far as staring... we don't ahve that issue anymore... and only 2 people are gone... Let's do the math.
Looks like the blog novel will never end. We are back at what chapter? Two players left the Silver Bullets to play on a team that want to learn and work together and improve. Bill Ivey coaches both teams and he is a very good coach. I think TJ even got a few lessons from Bill Ivey. It appears the Ice Kings (Arch Angels) have improved. They have 3new players on team. Otherwise it is the same team with a new name. Now do the math.
I call bs once again. The Angels weren't this good last season, and I just don't see them getting that much better in between sessions. I'm just sayin....
What has changed then James? Look at last session roster and this session roster. I subbed last session for Arch Angels. Now I skate full time for team.
#68, I believe 2 of those pucks are mine and i'd like them back. So I plead ignorant and ask, what the hell is a 1125R. So i'll know if i want to run my 05 Vette against it.
#4 Greg Perry (Bandit) - The Silver Bullets sure do not like us. All of them are trying to think we were kicked off the team when we both actually left. Which player is next who will leave and start a team?
Speaking of pucks, I sure did lose about a handful of pucks during the last practice session with the Bullets. ;)
It's a crotch rocket, and for that reason would probably take your Vette in a straight away.
As far as I know we don't have beef with Greg, we practiced with his team and I'm giving him my old chest pad for his goalie venture.
From what I was told numero 99 was kicked to do Conduct Detrimental To The Team.
Honestly Mike? Dont put words into peoples mouths. No one has ever said that Perry was kicked off the team nor do we hate him. Perry knows that we are cool with each other. I dont think you can chill with a guy every sat. night and hate him.
You on the other hand, we asked you to leave. So I guess yes you are right we didnt kick you off. Just no one wanted you there. But who am I to say anything about you. You're obviously a cool guy. 45 years old arguing online with a bunch of kids...that explains a lot about the kind of person you are.
If I have any of your pucks Greg, I'll give them back Saturday. And I'll run your Vette anyday :D.
File this suggestion away for the coordinator's meeting...
League Leveling rule: Top goal scorer on the top 1/2 finishing teams have two options. 1) You move up to D league or 2) You go into a pool for draft on the lower 1/2 finishing teams. The bottom teams can draft in order of finish and either take a draft player or pass. If not selected your free to rejoin your old team.
Any team winning the cup two time or more must move up to D league unless they turn over 1/3 of their winning roster.
This would help level the league, supress ringers and encourage moving on. And for those who can't play Friday nights you can still stay in the league, just perhaps playing against your old team.
What if your old team is filled with your friends that you originally signed up to play organized hockey with?
What's more important, skating with one friend or the common good of the league?
Look, if your a top scorer on a top team, perhaps the league is under you. If you wish to stay in Bronze, then help out a struggling team and have a bit of fun playing against your friends for a change. Would it not be fun to face your friend on the ice AND play a competative game against a foe instead of the same old blow out run clock.
I mean we're only talking perhaps 4 players being exposed to draft or move up.
1) There are more than 4 players in this league that should move up, not counting the ones that have and still play down.
2)All this talk about moving people / teams up? Can the league sustain a mass exodus? Do we have enough players just starting out and need a team?
3) I'm not one to complain (except about not scoring) but personally I would rather play a bunch of ringers and push myself to the limit than have 4 teams in the league with nothing but first time skaters. That would be less fun than playing with a few ringers. I'm not hating on new skaters either, because I am one. I'm sure allot of us feel the same way.
Bullets #22
There are quite a few people that could move up. But having a mass of people move up would be fine. There are still better skaters that newbies out there. And everyone skating wants to improve, and will in time. I think it would be just fine. I would ratehr play the same midiocre teams over and over, and still learn from that, then play my ass off chasing the whole game, and not learn a damn thing, other than what has become fo this blog. And if people want to get better, go to open hockey, go to skills classes, etc.
I just came back from open hockey, and there were a few i-leaguers out there, including some Monkeys, and Bullets. Thats all it takes.
And i find it absolutely hilarious when i walk into the building, and immediately all you here is trash talk about ice Kings #99, and then in the locker room. Michael, i think you've pretty much made a name for yourself up there. Hope you're proud there guy. ;)
Okay it was bothering me, this thing really needed to be at 125 comments.
I was hoping for 200. We'll see what happens after tonights games. ;)
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