Keller beat the Sens 1-0 in a defensive goalie battle. Sens Goalie Andrew Busboom let a shot from the Tribe's Les Kelly go in late in the third. Sens never rebounded, and now the Tribe brings a 500 record back to the reservation.
Stingers beat the Silver Bullets 4-1. The Birdman had his wings clipped, and could only tally one goal. It was a group efforts from the Bees, Meeks, Carter, Edwards, and Widmann all lit the lamp. Those Bees sure do play well as a team.
Spider Monkeys found the win column as they blanked the Bandits 4-0. Bandits now sit at 0-4 on the season, however those jerseys are way cool.
And now for the story of the week. SOMEONE ACTUALLY SCORED ON THE ICE KINGS!!!
Congrats go out to Todd Gavin of the Jags who is the first and only person to score on Kings this season. Todd, you are amazing, you have done what no one else has been able to do. Now that the trail has been blazed, perhaps others will follow suit.
Ice Kings did go on to take down the Jags 3-1. Kings coordinator Kent "Flash" Gordon found the back of the net twice, and Brian "Doesn't a Kincaid's hamburger sound good now" Kincaid counted for the other goal. So if you are keeping track of things that is a total now of 25 goals for the Kings and ONE goal against.
Flash Gordon is the new official nickname for Kent, and my personal favorite nickname for any player in any sport of all time. Genius!
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
It was fun going against our old goalie Mike Best! Lots of fun trash talk on and off the ice.
Hey Mike, wanna play for Keller this weekend?! ;)
Hey Killer, Did you get a gold star on for your coloring of the Indian in class? you did a great job and even stayed inside the lines
Real mature/sportsmanlike/respectful of the Stingers.
Knute will see these.
Oh yeah, and there was no call. The refs were both just watching the play in our zone.
Bullets - I can't believe I just now figured out what shit you were up to all game! There were several of us getting hacked all game (not just a single whack, but a 4 to 5 shot burst ALL NIGHT!!) - Your plan: get one of us to retaliate, have a camera ready, and go crying to "daddy Knute". WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! You guys are about as immature as 4 year olds!! Get a life.
I have to agree - what a coincidence that the camera just HAPPENED to be honed in on two players who were nowhere near the puck!!
The pictures were taken by my friends mother. All of her pictures are of us. Unforunately all these hacks and slashes you guys are complaining about never got called. And unlike these suppose slashes were not seen by anyone. To skate to a player completely out of the play and baseball swing at his feet are much more than any tapping you may have had on your skates all night.
Oh, if you'd like to see. There are also pictures of me dominating a few of you in crease. Maybe I'll upload those as well.
Um, you might want to check the definition of "dominating"...
I guess Gen Custer "dominated" at little big horn?
That was more like a Katana than a hockey stick. Trust me.. I know.
#68 Have you heard of hockey karma? What goes around comes around. Play hockey and quit your whinning. Silver Bullets are the goons of the league with 42 PIM in 4 games.
Stingers Karma
So, what's the hockey karma for beating up on newbie players for 6 years?
Did I see #99 in the box Saturday? Kudos, he made it three games without a penalty, call the Guiness Book of Records.
I saw him slam into the wall a few times...that was funny
Love the nicknames Killer. I do think you left one off though, Danielle "Captain Hook" Hughes.
Sounds like there was a forestry class going on in the Bullets / Stingers game. I guess the Monkeys got the BEST of the Bandits.
Sens #8 (last week)
......or Michael Myers (Halloween) or Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)were going at it.
Hatchet man
Hey lets try to come up with some nicknames for our beloved players of the Bronze League. #99 is exempt from nicknames as everyone has already chimed in on that one.
How about Jared "Subway" Johnson and Andrew "The Bus" Busboom from the Sens or Les "Machine Gun" Kelly from the Indians. Kacy "Birdman" Bird from the Bullets.
Lets see how creative this group can be.
Freddie "Krueger" Walters Sens #8
Sorry, but that last comment needs a gay / not gay vote - Not that there's anything wrong with that...
I have one, how about the "Scared of the Silver League" Stingers. That also works for Meeks and Widman.
man we should make a shirt...make a killing
First of all I want to apologies to the Stingers and the friends and family at the Stingers/ Silver Bullets game for my actions. I want to send a sincere apology to the Silver Bullets for my retaliation. No matter what was done to me I should have been man enough to skate away and not let a beer league hockey game get me all riled up. This is not the person I want to be. I will not deny I need to keep my mouth quiet but if you look I get maybe one penalty a season and have never been kicked out. I lost my cool after being hacked, elbowed and speared. This in no way justifies my actions but want everyone to know I was not just out there starting crap. This is supposed to be fun I think we all lost sight of that. The next time I play against you I will seek you each out and would like to shake your hand and apologies in person. Lastly I would like to issue an apology to the coach of the Silver Bullets. You got me. I fell into your trap with the trash talk and said some things that were just out of line and immature. Please accept my apology and I look forward to shaking your hand as well.
If you choose not to accept the apology I will hold no grudge and look forward to playing you all again.
To everyone else and the Stingers bashing. I can't see why people are all over us. We haven't won the Keg in 3 seasons, last year we lost 3 or 4 games including a playoff game to a team with 5 skaters ( some of witch are the guys complaining about us now), and we haven't run clocked anyone this year like some other teams. If a team with 13 skaters can't beat a team with 5 skaters how would we do in D league, or do those 5 guys need to move up. It was asked why do Stingers games get physical. From our bench we see people gunning for us and taking cheap shots away from the play. Eventually we have to stand up for ourselves. If you feel this is false don’t hack, or whack us and see if we start anything.
I will agree that there are a few guys On our team who could play up a level but I have yet to play a team that didn't have one or two D league players on it. I admit I'm scared to move up. I suck! We also have some guys including our goalie who work nights and can only play on Saturday nights. If Nytex wants to get rid of this talk they need to move the Silver league to Saturday nights.
People are all over you because of the way your team plays. It eliminates the learning experience and the fun from the game. It's the same reason people are complaining about the Ice Kings now. You guys controlling the puck, scoring 6, 7, 8 goals (don't know if you have done this or not this session, but last time we played you we lost 8-1) is not fun for the other team. Chasing you Bronze League Seniors around the rink for an hour doesn't help anyone. Tack on the constant crashing into goalies (24) slap shooting in the last 3 seconds of an already won game (Meek) and the general bad attitude y'all have and it creates a shit storm of hate.
Oh, and apologizing after a game doesn't make everything all rainbows and bunnies. Y'all are still assholes.
Anony 11:14, So your trying to say that the Spider Monkeys and the Bandits have D leagues players on their teams too? I'll bet thats news to them!
OHH that makes a lot of since. Move the whole Silver league to Saturday night just to accommodate 1 goalie because he can only play on saturdays. Who knows, maybe if you guys wine enough about that and then threaten to move to Eluss again (knowing you won't), you just might be able to make that happen.
I'm done with this. So keep getting mad if you want but a a slap shot at the end of a game was his way of letting out steam for the attacks from you all. We maybe asseholes but if not you others on your team are as well. It's clear with the photo session you had planned you were trying to start stuff away from the puck to get us to react. Good job, you won. There are other places you can play. Nytex doesn't have a gun to your head. The first time you beat a team by six take your advice and set an example. Move up.
Buzz buzz
You guys are so funny. I have not played against the two teams you mentioned this season. All you little girls do is cry on this thing about ringers. Zack was a target last season. So it's not just one goalie. Nothing anyone can say will stop you from crying. Just calm down. It's never going to change.
Yes we had this photosession PLANNED. So planned infact that they've been taking photos of every game their son has been in. Good move. No one started anything away from the puck except for #24 as seen in the picture.
Another fun fact. I have moved up.
**edit** Yeah, both teams had some penalties go by that weren't called its the refs fault for not controlling the game. Regardless, it's pretty clear that slash was nowhere near the play, and although maybe all of the slashes where intentional in that game, that looked desperate for retaliation rather than waiting for the puck to get to them.
I wasn't going to say anything. Specially since at first I couldn't see the photos, but now that I have. That just proves everything that was/is being said.
Bus sens
Ohh and if they had that planned. My hats off, because that is some pro photojournalism and I know Brandon doesn't have the money to hire someone with that kind of portfolio.
Bus sens
"Anony 11:14, So your trying to say that the Spider Monkeys and the Bandits have D leagues players on their teams too? I'll bet thats news to them!"
Obviously the Bandits are loaded with D leaguers. However, they play it smart. They figured out that if they act like they really suck and lose every game, nobody will complain about them and ask them to move up to Silver league…
This tactic is the brain child of their cunning team manager TwoPuck Perry…
Gator #156
yeah you know that's what I would want too do. Pay 250 dollars too play down and just go out there and do nothing for 2 hours on a saturday nights.
Bus sens
Jeez, reading these posts is like reading Dear Abby. You're like a bunch of old ladies. Play hockey and shut up for a while.
Hey Burhart, glad to see that neither of us are suspended. I agree the emotions were high that game, but taking a slash a another players face is never cool. My teammate has the mark on his visor to prove it. Punishment should fit the crim. If we throw some sneaky jabs then you can throw them back, just leave slashing to the face out of it. But on the brighter side of all this atleast we both can now tell all the ladies we were thrown out of a game, I hear chicks dig that kind of stuff.
As for the people saying I had my parents come to the game for a set up. You are crazy. nuf said. That is like being pissed a security camera caught you stealing. You shouldnt have done it in the first place.
I also have some nicknames...
Les "Papa Smuf" Kelly
Brandon "A for Awsome" Suites
Eric "Mr" Anderson
Tim "Sexy Beast" Krajewski
and that is all I have for now.
-Krajewski #23
Edit: Les "papa Smurf" Kelly
my bad.
I see the Silver Bullets coaching staff and coordinator are still teaching how to be a goon. 2 - 10 minutes game misconducts for Silver Bullets (42 minutes total PIM in 4 games). Why were you not suspended for the next game at least? Using a stick as a weapon should have been 3 to 5 game suspension. You both kiss and make up?
The only team using sticks as weapon is the Stingers there hoss. The coordinator and coach are not teaching anyone to be goons. Joanne wouldn't hurt a fly much less tell us to go goon it up. The penalty minutes are bloated due to poor stat keeping at Nytex (we've all experienced it) and yes we've had 2 players ejected from a game. What does that say about us? You attack our goalie and we fight back (see: Scott Stevens), you attack our team and we fight back (See Tim Krajewski). I, and I know a few others that are personally tired of putting up with teams like the Stingers. We're not sitting back and letting them "run the league" anymore.
Hmmmm......your coordinator has 4 minutes in PIM.
Slip off your high heels ladies. Last time I checked, this was hockey. Hockey is a physical game and there is going to be contact. If you want a nice, safe and fuzzy sport, get yourself a bowling ball.
Our coordinator has 2 PIMs, like I said; poor stat keeping. I'm assuming you don't know much about the team, or have spent any decent time watching games.
I think we might be pushing 100 again with all these 1 line anonymous posts.
There is a difference between physical contact and a stick to the face/neck.
Bus sens
Krajewski #23 Silver Bullet. Is that Polish or Jewish or a combination of both? #68 and you are the biggest whinners on here running up blog records. I agree, I think you both should consider taking up bowling. You break a nail or get a paper cut on your finger you both are whinning and telling the world. Woman coordinator teaching you a lot how to whine and bitch.
It's cool to hide behind the Anonymous posting. I do actually enjoy bowling, but I whine when I loose at that too.
Wow. This is getting nasty. Racist and sexist.
I'm with you 68, on the cowardice of the anonymous post.
Too old and slow to play D,
#2 Kings
First of all Bowling is the shit. Second of all Brandon aka #68 and Tim are not whining. They are merely proving everything we already know.
Bus sens
best answer so far from #2 Dave on why he does not join the D league. brovo good sir, brovo.
i believe it was a stinger who went and cried and got someone kicked out of the league because he got checked and hurt his poor little shoulder...dont try to check someone if you cant handle it yourself....and the stingers who cried about getting hit with a puck its not even close how much they are more whiners than anybody on the bullets.
Plain and simple, most, if not all the Stingers need to move up. If you can't play on Friday nights, then go play elsewhere. I know Frisco has a d-league on Saturday nights. it really sucks for the rest of us that we have to "accomodate" your scheduling conflict, and be run over by your team. Obvisously every team in the league feels this way, so why not just do it so you'll stop being one of the most hated teams in the league? I mean, that goes to EVERY person that NEEDS to move up.
i think the gators should get back together. i'm starting to miss those guys.
Ice Kings are going to beat the Stingers. Spider Monkies may need some more talent to balance team. Bandits are in last place as they are a new team. You can't expect to come out winning right away. It takes time to build a team that can work together.
'You can't expect to come out winning right away. It takes time to build a team that can work together'.
Karma sez not so... All you need to do is recruit a bunch of D league caliber I league hanger ons.
See Ice Kings
Hey, #68 Bullets.
What is it with you complaining about getting hacked? You were doing all the hacking early in that game. What did you expect? When it became apparent that nothing was going to get called, some of our guys took ecxeption to your continued stickwork. Was it right? NO, but it happened.... Can't change it now. When you hacked me in the first shift of the first period, I told you, push me all you want but you don't need to hack me. Your response was " If you're going to be in my crease, that's what you're gonna get." So be it. Bring it, but you can't roll over and change your story halfway through a game because somebody hacks you back. Was that right either? No, but it happend, too....
I saw the whole thing develop. You skated from one end of the ice to our blue line towards our net. When the d-man stepped up, you made a move and your stick rode up our guy and got him in the head. To me, it was an accident, like I said, I saw the whole thing, as it happened right in front of me. I also saw a couple of our guys see it from a different angle and they thought you had done it on purpose. It all happened too quickly to stop it, but our guy took matters into his own hands.... Was that right? No. But it happened, too.
Hockey is a fast and sometimes accidentally violent sport. When things get heated up, a lot of crap can happen in a short amount of time. We need to be aware of that and adjust our mindset during those times. I will never intentionally hit or hurt anyone on the ice. If there is ever a situation when that does happen, I am usually the first one to stop my play and make sure everyone is alright. I have to go to work come Monday morning, too you know.
We all need to, as adults rise above this and continue to self-police our actions. Both as individuals and as a team. If someone does something on your team that you don't think is right, say something. Do it in a constructive way, but address it and get it over with. I spoke to a couple of my teammates after that game to voice my opinion. Did I hope to change that person's mind about what happened? No, but I did make it known that I disapproved of what had happened. Will that make a difference? I can't say, but I feel better having gotten it off of my chest.
addressing the comment about me taking a slapshot with 3 seconds left.... I did no such thing. When I picked the puck up in front of my net, the goalie yelled to me that there was 15 seconds left. I looked up ice and saw a nice wide lane towards the other net and wondered if my fat old ass could make it down there and get off a shot in less than 15 seconds. I tried to get closer for a good shot, but the puck started to roll and I got off a pretty sorry wrist shot from about 20 feet that didn't even hit the net! Get your stuff right....
As for #24 crashing into the goalie, what can be said about that? He is a true I league player and makes no bones about it. Does that mean he's not passionate about the game? No, he has a lot of passion for the game, sometimes too much. But you can reel that in, I suppose and I hope he does that to an extent.
Regarding the scared of the silver league comment, ask Chad, I have been asking if there is a sub spot open on a team in the silver league so I can check it out for myself. I am coming off of severe shoulder and knee injuries that required surgery that kept me away from the game for nearly three years. During which time I gained 30+ pounds and lost any sort of shape I may have been in prior to going down... so I am looking into moving up, as well.
Well, if most of you aren't asleep by now, thanks for sticking with my entry. Believe it or not, I too want this league to be the best it can be, I like the group of players we have in this league, it's the tempers that get out of control and retaliatory bullshit I can't stand and I have made that fact known to my team and now to everybody.
Let's all get along as best as we can as competing teams, but at the end of it, we should all be able to go to Zuroma's for a beer together.
Steve, Stingers #27
The only concern i have is that people are just taking the i league games too damn seriously. Nobody is playing hockey for fun anymore. And also there isnt supposed to be any contact in our league. I dont mind some pushing and shoving but when you slash, check, elbow, and trip thats not right. I just miss playing clean hockey with sportsmanship.
Karma sez,
karma in balance = boring blog.
It all comes down to who's Ox is being gored...
I appreciate the post Meek. The shot at the end of the game bothered me because it bothered our goalie. No need to skate a puck down the ice with 15 seconds when you're up 3 goals... especially if there's a nice wide open lane. That means everyone is letting it go; you should have done the same.
Unfortunately, I can't support anything you say about your team. I've seen how they play first hand, and if their style of play continues, so will mine. The Stingers have a reputation around the league (from who I've talked to) of being assholes, whiners, and dirty players. I'm going to stand up for myself and my team just as #23 did with #3.
There is no CHECKING in this league. This is a horse of an entirely different stripe than no contact. It's hockey. Contact is inevitable.
#68 Bullets, I hold no hard feelings against anyone or any team in this league. I understand how emotions can get to running a bit on the overheated side, but as adults, I expect that cooler heads will prevail, especially with open two way communication. While there has been a lot of finger pointing, and chickenshit name calling on here, for the most part this blog has been very effective in getting people to talk about the games and whatnot. Let's keep it that way. I look forward to Saturday nights and I hope everyone else does too.
Yeah, perhaps I should have just taken the puck behind the net, but I was into the game, man. Final buzzer, right? I mean really, I wasn't trying to be an ass. I do realize how some people must have felt, so I guess thanks for pointing it out.
Let's make the rest of the season about hockey, not about constant bitching and finger pointing and name calling. I for one, will need to work on a few areas myself, so I admit I have contributed, but not anymore...
Oh and ball busting, by all means ball busting is still in. ( I am trying to come up with a non-offensive female counterpart to ball busting, help me out here...) Because if you can't bust on someone, we are all in trouble.
Steve #27 Stingers.
I can get behind those suggestions Steve. Agreed. all of you kids have jobs?
I assume 95%+ of the league has a job.
Bus sens
Steve, i vote for gina busting. We have the mangina, and well woemn, i hope we all know what they have. ;)
Lets play some hockey fockers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monkeys #66
Who is going to win the Stinger vs. Ice Kings game coming up. Both teams so far are undefeated. Any comments on this? It appears the Ice Kings are favor on votes to win the keg. They are a team that is playing in D league and I. They are the same same as he Arch Angels except for 3 new players. The Stingers vs. the Ice Kings game should be a very good matchup.
I heard that #99's coach is sitting him down for two games for taking a penalty and for not being the ambassador he claims to be
the ice kings wont be undefeated when they play the stingers.
Zach Gunter
So Zach, are you suggesting they'll be playing a Silver league game between now and then?
No turco is going to take over in net for me saturday.
Bus sens
9Gina busting it is, then... Good on ya! I like it.
See you all Saturday night! Join me for a frosty PBR at Zuroma's after our game. We play the Jags at 10:15 and from what I have read, we should be able to see a drunk and semi naked Ivana. Who knows, if there is proper funding by the end of the night......
And remember, you heard it right here at the home of Roller Derby!
Have fun and be safe.
No wait, drive fast and take chances, that's it!
Steve #27
Surprise I heard from the Ice Kings this Saturday night. Not going to devulge what it is. Senators will just have ot wiat and see @ 11:45 PM.
Surprise I heard from the Ice Kings this Saturday night. Not going to devulge what it is. Senators will just have to wait and see @ 11:45 PM.
I just like to give a shout out to the scorekeepers at Nytex. Were 4 games in the season and half our team has played 5 games for us this season. If someone could go unf**k the 9-12-09 game stats Indians/Bulets that would wonderful. Keep up the good work your doing a bang up job so far.
Can't we just get along?
Rodney King
If not, lets try to have fun again.
Outside of about 65 folks nobody gives a shit about who wins or loses. Really, think about it. Lets tip back some beers and have fun playing recreational hockey.
I am going to go unf*$k the stats from 9-12-09 now. Sorry I am so slow and retarded. I learned to count last week, and am still working on my letters and colors. I apologize for not having stats the best.
Whoever said this prior to Saturday night needs to elaborate: "Surprise I heard from the Ice Kings this Saturday night. Not going to divulge what it is. Senators will just have to wait and see @ 11:45 PM."
I saw three surprises in our game against the Ice Queens:
1.Their lack of offensive presence in the zone...
2. Their goalies face when his defense couldn't get us out of his zone, along with the amount of shots and over the shoulder goals.
3. And last but not least, number 99 getting hitting people, but when retaliated upon whining like a little baby that he is. Good game Gretsky I am glad I got to tag you at least once!
Other than that, put shots on goal because their goalie is not used to it and you will definitely beat the Ice Queens. I was shocked by their lack of sportsmanship and game play.
By the way, I appreciate Bill Ivey coming and apologizing for the couple of goons on his team (99 and 13), too bad all the hitting was for nothing. Oh yeah, the final score 6-3. Eat that Hvidston!
Scott Sens
Awesome job Sens! Maybe Chad should stay gone more often. ;) J/k Chad!
Monkeys #66
Senators: I have to say you out played us with many players who were not on your roster. We had 7 skaters and I found myself skating most of the game. We had to play a different type of game because of it. Many Silver Bullet players I saw watching the game and found it entertaining. I expected to be back in the spotlight again. Be prepare next time you play the Ice Kings as we will have all out team. I will have to give most of you Senators credit. You played well as a team and moved the puck around in the zone. You have a good coach (Julian Waters) who played on the D League Kings. Nice that you got a hit on me #87 Scott (Senators). I do not recall when it was. See you again next round.
Now that was a game! First shot right into my cup. got a seperator a few minutes later. You guys wore me out, pushing you out of the crease all nite =) It had it all. 5 on 3, 5 on 4, breaks, odd man rushes.
It was a great game. I cant move today. Good job boys an girls.
To the Kings:
The heart was there guys, just not the legs. Pretty good night for a bunch of old farts =)
#2 Kings
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