The Ice Kings continued their domination of the Bronze League with another shut out, this time 7-0 over their biggest rival the Silver Bullets. The big did feature the first tussle of the season when Scott Stevens of the Bullets and Mike Hvidston of the Kings went at it.
The Senators beat the Bandits 4-1. A team effort from the Sens as four different people scored.
The Indians lost to the Jaguars. The Birdman aka Casey Bird was in net for the Indians, and did a respectable job of only allowing 2 goals. Unfortunately the Indians could only muster one goal.
The Stingers rolled the Spider Monkeys who were playing with a massively short bench and substitute goalie.
So after week two we have three undefeated teams, the Stingers (no suprises), the Jaguars (what?), and the Ice Kings (who?). The Keller Indians have yet to find the win column along with the Spider Monkeys and Bullets.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
The over/under on season wins for the Spider Monkeys is one and I'm taking the under...
Uuuh, we won our first game.
hey for the practices saturday i know alot of people are going to be out of town. If there is any team that the goalie is not going too be there and you want one please let me know. I somehow got a saturday off I would like to get as much work as possible in on saturday. My email is or my number is 817-797-8806 thanks
Bus Sens
huh....i didn't know there were practices this saturday, lol!
Monkeys will be you sleeper team. ;)
Scott Steven's and Michael Hvidston went at it in the Silver Bullet vs. Ice Kings rivary? I watch the game and the goalie for the Silver Bullets whacked Michael Hvidston #99 with his goalie stick in the back a few times then Scott Steven's #65 jump on Michael and started punching him while he was face down on the ice. No punches were ever thrown by #99; yet he was ejected from the game with Scott Stevens. What's up with that???
well when you lead the league in penatly minutes beating most teams and all the refs know you are pretty much the goon of the league...i say you just got what was coming too you, but hey i didn't see it
Bus Sens
Goalies don't like when players hang out in the crease... You'll get whacked just as a reminder.
Step away and the goalie won't chase you. Or you can stay and take the abuse...
LOL. Funny how #99 speaks of himself in the third person in Anon 9:16pm.
LOL - Funny how Hockey Karma sez is wrong. I am a fan of #99 and was at the game watching dressed in purple.
Did you hang around after the game to try to snag an autograph?
its funny how crappy of a player number 99 is.
at whomever left the 11:07am comment lol thats just darn funny.
I stuck around for an autograph. I thought to myself "Number 99... LA Kings Jersey! OMG It's Gretzky" Then I saw who it was and became disappointed.
Just don't tell him he's not Gretzky...he'll be more disappointed than you.
As you all know and figured out that I am a Gretzky fan and do not plan on changing my number. This is not NHL and the number is not banned. I do not fight but do play aggressive physical hockey just as Wayne Gretzky. Only one recorded fight Gretzky had was with Neil Broten of the Minnesota North Stars. Most of you commenting on here probably were not even born yet and did not know this. I love hockey and have played for many years. I may not be the best player at the rink, but I can skate and keep up with all of you. I am almost 48 years old. Make fun of the autographs. I do give out many autographs as I am Michael Myers @ Hangman's House of Horrors for charity. You may all want to check the PIM for the Ice Kings now. I have said my peace. Now it is time to concentrate on winning more. The Ice Kings are taking the the "keg".
Played for years and you still roll around in the I-League? Very respectful of you and people attempting to learn the game.
Gretzky was not an aggressive player, he was a finesse player.
Gretzky didn't take dumb penalties in the 3rd period when he was up by 3 goals.
Gretzky didn't run people into the boards.
And, I guess it's a little known fact that the number isn't banned in the NHL. It's called respect.
Brandon #68: I am playing down in I league to teach players like you how to play hockey. There are Gold League players playing down in D league doing the same. I had not played the game for 11 years and started back up last September. You had your chance to play up in D League and chose to drop down to I league again. As far as the penalty in the 3rd period last game; it has been reviewed and erased. The Ice Kings as a team have no PIM. Also to set the record straight: I am not the team captain of I League or coordinator. I am the coordinator for the D League Ice Kings. See you on the ice again. Take care and good luck.
Penalty was in 2nd period.
Lets all settle down, and relax a bit here. Aggressive play is not really necessary in the I league, all it is going to do is breed anger and resentment. This leads to people pounding guys with their face down on the ice.
Lets all knock this shit the fuck off, eh! If someone keepos playing aggressive the same shit will end up happening because the cycle will never be broken.
Its a fucking I League folks.
Also I agree wih the bullets guy, Gretzky was a finese player, I dont know what alternate universe gretzky was talking about.
As a small correction, there was no choosing to drop back down. I am no required to work on Friday nights again.
Unfortunately, D-League hockey doesn't pay the bills.
And I wasn't refering to our game about the penalties. Last session you had more PIMs then a few of the teams total.
Last session is over. It was a mutual decision that I not return to the Silver Bullets. The team breeds angry players. Check out the total PIM this session. I am done responding on here. I have better things to help the Ice Kings obtain the "keg".
huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh....huh huh...You said the 'F' word...huh huh huh huh huh huh
guess who i get to play tonight?!!?!? the d league ice kings!! yay!! hahahah
Zach G sens/jedi!! hahah
SHUT UP BEVIS! WHAP! ..huh huh huh...dill weed
I can honestly say there is only one team that has a better time on the Ice than we do week in and week out. The Senators know how to have fun.
We are not an angry team by anymeans.
Pfft I'm so far past angry when we play.. I'm almost insane.
So if you're not captain or the coordinator, what does the C on your jersey stand for?
Also why do you out "" around keg? Its not a "keg"; its an actual keg. That's like saying you want to win the Stanley "cup". Just do the finger motion when you say it .It doesnt make much sense.
Also only reason you got the PIM taken away cause you bitched about it, but I guess I would do the same if I got my ass kicked. Dont say you didnt do anything. It takes two to tango.
Tell that to Patrick Roy's son.
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