The marquee match up this week is going to be the Silver Bullets vs. the Ice Kings. This will be the first time that #99 Mike Hvidston will face off against his former team.
Both teams won their season opener, and both teams are full of hope for the new season. The Bullets have added Nytex front desk employee Ethan giving them a burst of speed. Ethan has already tallied one goal in his first game with the Bullets. And Brandon Suits and Casey "Birdman" Bird have proven that they can provide a spark for the SB's when needed. For the Kings perhaps shaking things up by eliminating the old Arch Angels name will provide a breath of fresh air for the squad. Big forwards Rick Gregory and Chris Moseley have already notched 5 goals between the two of them in the first week. Perhaps the new franchise name has helped Captain (#99) Mike Hvidston change his goonish ways. In week one he did not have a single penalty which is odd considering in 14 games last season he had 32 PIMs.
Who will win this battle folks? Killer predicts a Bullets win 5-3
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Can we have a return appearance of the uniform Czar? Inquiring minds want to know his unquestioned authoritive view on the current situation of NYTEX Bronze....
Do the random hockey sticks on the LA Kings logo bother anyone else?
I guess the Kings is a good name for a team, but the logo doesnt do much for me. The Hockey sticks look like someone was brand new to photoshop
When my son’s team was picking jersey numbers, the coach specifically said to exclude some numbers. The first number he mentioned was 99…
Nobody questioned his reasons.
Nothing Like being kicked off one team. Going to another and forcing your self on them. Lets see, Mike anointed himself Captain and changed the team name to the Kings so he could wear a kings jersey with the number 99 on it. Hell what’s next, having his name changed to Gretzky too. Is it just me or does he seem a little full of himself?
Somebody was on the Bullets who couldn’t become manager there, so left the Bullets and founded his own team with a new name so he can be the manager…
Is that the story of the Kings, or the Bandits?
What’s up with the Bullets breading all these “new” teams? Is it part of a takeover conspiracy? The Hvidston, the Perry… Who’s next?
Gator #156
PS: Two words for all of you 156 imposters: stop it!!!!
Making yourself #99 in a Kings jersey is like getting a basketball team named the Bulls, and giving yourself the #23. Pretty unbelievable that someone who fancies themself a hockey guy would have the audacity to take #99.
It would be one thing if he was real good, but that is far from the case. Whats the bounty?
Have to rank the Queens last in Bronze due to uniform look and bland mascot.
Hey Stingers, the Stars called and wanted their look back! (not a bad jersey to pilfer though)
Jags are needing a logo
Bullets are at the top of the list with a sexy mascot and logo.
FYI- Jags have a logo. We are going to debut it along with the new jerseys :)
Wow, to go from Bronze League obscurity to featured match up in one short session.
Looks like the Bullets are making a splash.
And to be fair, I believe he picked the number because no one else would have it... which has held true thus far.
Well no one should have that number the NHL RETIRED IT. What the frak dude, is he that arrogant. If number gets retired, it is retired, END OF STORY.
I could look past it if he didnt self appoint himself the C.
Exactly why was he booted from the bullets??
Conduct Detrimental to the Team
Ha ha, that's the very vauge explanation given to the press by any franchise to cover up some seedy internal issues. Well wearing a #99 kings jersey should have been the red flag when he joined the bullets.
you guys know the more you talk about 99 the more he will think he is the great one !!!! Just saying.. I guess in this league it is pims that count not points. Oh yeah how could you be such a Gretzky fan and not be a goal scorer but a player the refs are always watching.. I hope I can be as famous as 99 someday in my I league games. Maybe then I can move up to play in D- league & play against 99 there too. Wow I would be so cool.... SM Bullets
99 was asked to leave the Bullets because we didn't want to be the team with a reputation of having the leagues biggest goon on the team. We asked him to stop with the pointless PIMs and play less physical (this is an i-league no need to put people in the boards). He refused so we asked him politley to leave the team. That is the story of that issue.
I agree with everyone that picking 99 is pretty lame and making yourself Captain is worse, but I can't say much because I picked 23 for my number cause of Jordan and 2+3=5=Best Defender ever to play the game.
#23 Krajewski, Bullets.
Lidstrom is a scrub. End of Story. Zubie all day.
Great explanation Tim, this league doesnt need people running people into the boards.
And Tim said all that without the usual potty mouth and trash talking
Great job Tim
All these comments about #99. Did you watch him play the D league game last night. Goal scored just inside the blue line with a slap shot to the upper left corner of the net. He is going to be hot tonight for the Ice Kings.
GO #99 Hvid ...You Rock!!
You've been playing hockey in Fargo, ND since before some of these players were ever even born. Keep up the good work!!
Silver Bullets suck, GO HVID and the Kings, way to SMOKE the Bullets!! ha ha ha ha ha
haha if hvidston has been playing that long then he really is a piece of hammered dog crap calling himself a hockey play. hahaah
Zach Gunter Sens.
hammered dog crap?
Bus sens
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