Semi Final #1 Keller Indians vs. Tomcast Senators – 7:15
Semi Final #2 Stingers vs. Ice Gators - 8:45
Stanley Keg Championship - 11:45
Looks like things got pushed back for whatever reason, but we are on for the big final weekend of this season. Previews of the two games coming later this week, but for now lets talk about the All Star Game:
Wearing light jerseys will be representatives from the Angels, Senators, Gators, Bullets, and Indians. This will be called Team Freeze. Coordinators of these teams please get with each other to make sure there is a goalie there. Last seasons all star game had two non goalies playing goalie.
In dark jerseys we will have Team Fire with representatives from the Stingers, Hurricanes, Mid Air, Jaguars, and Spider Monkeys. If your team makes the finals you cant send anyone to the All Star Game. In the event of two teams from the same all star team making the finals i.e. Gators and Indians, then four players from the other all star game will just go over and join the other team, you follow that?
We have finally made it to the final four. Who will win? The Indians solid team play together with the Kelly Brothers? The Stingers offensive attack? The Gators high scoring offense from early in the season? The Senators?
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
so i have a question and im gonna post it on here because i know most people read this.
so are the league lineup stats correct? as far as games played?
because if they are it says that dan custred has only played 4 regular season games. is the rule not that you must play 6 games to be eligible? unless you are a goalie. i dont know what will come of this i just wanted to bring it up because its not right or fair to any of us especially the silver bullets who were eliminated based on a goal scored by him.
Zach Gunter Gators.
Thanks for pointing that out. Didn't realize it. It was a good game regardless. Doubt anything comes of this information though.
Brandon - 68 Bullets.
The rule you’ve mentioned above being applied selectively is not the only one. D or above caliper players asked only selectively to move out of the I-league. Some believe that as long as they also play in the Silver league, it is ok to also play in the Bronze league…
Custred should be ashamed of himself. Playing down in I League and scoring a game winning goal. Why does he insist on playing in the I League, its not like those Indians are ever short on players, their bench is always loaded. What a doosch, I hope someone hits him somewhere down the road in these playoffs.
If Green is ever allowed to play in the ronze league again I will pack my bags and start blogging on Grapevine.
If this is the case with the Indians, why doesn't NYTEX vacate their win against the Silver Bullets? Let the Silver Bulets move onto the next round of play.
What are you talking about. The only teams I can think of that don't have a bunch of "silver" league players on them are the Jags and Spidermonkeys. And we see how well they did in the league. So now it seem they are picking and chosing which silver league players are allowed to play in the bronze, how is that OK. Maybe, it should be you eather play in one or the other, if your good enough to move to silver you don't need to still be playing in the bronze too.
Team are forming for next season. It's time to clean out the Bronze league!!!
Issue ID cards for every season. ID should show level of player, Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Also, it would be obvious who paid since cards are good per season.
Have the refs collect cards before games. Suspended players couldn't play without card, neither could unpaid "guest" subs.
So who is to decide what level of play a player is at? To me it's all subjective to each individual own thoughts. Take me for instance; I was out of the game for a number of years and very out of shape. At the start of the season I wasn't much good to my team but as the season went on my play picked up. Would you consider me an I-league player? would call me a ringer and say that I had no business playing among you. I however disagree; I give my teammates a chance to improve upon their skills. They see my play, the way I shoot, my passing, and skating and that makes them strive to improve their game. Do I have the skill set to play at a higher level? Yes and I do....but I see this as an opportunity to give back to a game that I have played for a lot of years. It gives me a chance to teach less experienced players the game of hockey.
Again with all the ringer talk? It's never going to get better, there will always be people in every league that need to go somewhere else. No big deal. This is a discussion on the rules set in place by the league being enforced. There were players playing that have neither A)Played 6 games with the team, or B) Paid league fees. That's a forfeit, and the bullets should be moving on.
Can something be done, say limiting the number of silver league players that are allow on a team to say 2 only. That would keep teams for having 4 & 5 silver league players on a team and taking away ice time the people that would benefit from from it.
What a great league. The Championship game will be played at 11:45 while a pointless all star game gets the 10:15 spot.? Am I the only one who thinks this is as dumb as NYTX shunning the hockey program for soccer and roller derby?
Why doesnt everyone quit bitching and take notice of the good stuff that has happened. We have a playoff system in place finally, are there ringers in the league? Yes, but there are in every league. I watched a D league game over at Euless the other day, and it was more like B League game. Lets hear it for the playoff system, and quit bitching.
Following Anon 4:09, it's not always bad to be in last place. Here's some things we can focus on: One, we tried hard. And two, we're still dear friends!
I dont know about who scored i realize the score sheet says somebody else scored the game winner but i was told by the bullets that it was custred and how did this become about ringers? i was just asking a question about rules being enforced after all if the rules arent going to be enforced whats to stop me from subbing in with the senators? haha thats a joke but stuff like that is why there is the rule about games played and no subs for the playoffs. i was told this rules would be enforced. it wouldnt matter if it was the worst player on the indians its a matter of using an ineligible player. but yeah im looking forward to a great game with the stingers. and as someone said they want custred to be hit if we happen to advance and they go to the championship as well i will do that for you! ive already done it once.
Zach Gunter Gators
Ringer isn't even used correctly anymore. If someone has played 12 games, and he picked up his play in the last 5 or 6.. He's not a ringer, he's probably getting his game back. As far as the "Ringers" or so mentioned, they're the ones I've learned the best from. My first three games were against Stingers, Hurricanes, Senators. I.E. Mac/Matt, Saylor/Olsen, and really most of the Stingers. They played much better and may have been too good for me at that point, but I'm not complaining, made me want to play better. I get more satisfaction stopping them, and in the cases of Kasey Bird and Kyle/Ryan Kelly I've learned a lot from them.
Coming from a player that has played/substituted for more
I-league teams this season and also plays in the D-league you sound like the pot calling the kettle black. LeagueLineup shows that you have 20 points as compaired to Dan's 4. I'm sure that LeagueLineup is incorrect because you are most certainly in the triple digit figures when it comes to assists, helping your new skaters develope by passing to them. I would get with the score keeper because you only have 4 assist over twelve games, they must be wrong. D-league players help us new skaters develope, get better and build our confidence. Unless of course, like you, they run the puck from net to net, take slap shots at close range, are obnoxious and can't stand being out skated and out muscled. And if I'm not mistaken, threats made electronically are legal binding. Watch yourself.
I'm sorry if I used too many twenty dollas words. Good luck Saturday, I really don't think you will get past us to get to the finals, I hope your voted you to the All-Star team.
Buzz Buzz
Stinger3 -
I think this is so that the players from game 2 that night don't have to play back-to-back games and get a breather during the AS game. I will agree that the times do suck overall, but I've been in leagues where games start at 1:00am, so it's not THAT bad.
Monkeys #24
So much for "Twenty Dollas" spelling, and grammar.
Should save the twenty dollars from those words and invest in some Hooked on Phonics, perhaps?
Don't worry Zach he is just pissy because it didn't take your team more then 4 years to advance out of the i-league. Buzz much?
Bang Bang, 23# Bullets.
I have played those 1:00 AM games too and that's why we moved to NYTEX.
ya this is my first season of hockey so luckily I haven't played a lot of those late games. I think our latest this season was a midnight, and even then I was ready to go to sleep on the bench.
So that everyone knows, Alex Plumbo scored the winning goal in a great game, give her some credit. We've pretty much cleaned up the language but now we're into head hunting, guys this the Bronze league not the Bronze Age. Let's use this league for what it's suppose to be used for, developing players. Spread some peace, love, happiness and harmony.
I'm not happy with the late games either but if I'm not playing, I'm watching and when it's all done and the Keg has been raised I'll be at ZuRoma's after slamming beers with you.
Peace, out...
Ringers are in every league I,D,C the only time your not considered a ringer is in the NHL and then your just a superstar. Ringers can be a very benifical factor for a team in helping them grow and learn more about how and where to play. They can also be retarded and steal the puck fro their own team and go easily score at will on an I-league goalie (which I have seen). Those are the guys everyone has a problem with. Take Kelly from the Indians, clearly not an I-league level player and he could on most nights go down and score at will on most goalies but he doesnt he tries to set up team mates and help them. The game we played against them was a really fun game to play. I have learned a lot from some of the higher skilled players that play down. They can be a benifit as long as they are not out there for themselves. If they are put a body on them.
#10 Bullets
I thought we moved to NYTEX because the locker rooms at DPSC were just too, too big.
I-league DOES NOT need “skilled” D leaguers. It is an argument started by D/C leaguers. Players will develop faster without them. We don’t need a “skilled” player go coast to coast to set up an I leaguer with a perfect pass. If the other team wouldn’t have their “skilled” player play defense, an I leaguer could take the puck up on the first place.
Therefore, these guys are taking the opportunity and ice time a way from those who need it more.
re: 10:15 post
I really have to disagree with you that less experienced players develop faster without the help of more experienced players. I have played hockey for three quarters of my life, I have coached kids at three age levels so I think I have a better idea about what I am saying. You don't improve by constantly playing people at your level; you improve by playing with competitors at levels above yours. If what the true I-league players and NYTEX want is to completely wipe out more skilled players then you will not get better. You will flounder, get frustrated, and quit the greatest sport I have ever played.
As far as the comment about the more experienced players on defense, it's a no win, if they play offense you'll complain because they are scoring too much. On the flip side, we see your complaint about getting stopped at every turn. That is where you continue to work on your skill and technique and eventually you will be able to get around these players.
I myself have always allowed a less experienced player skate the puck.
Everyone is over thinking this league way too hard. It is a lower end Beer league when you boil it down. There are ringers in every league, just about every sport. I play in a mens tennis league that is suppose to be real low level (kind of on par with Bronze League), and there is always a couple guys in there who beat everyone in straight sets, and dominate the league. Everyone bitches about getting them to move up, and the league director always comes back with , "They are not ready for the next level. They will get killed."
It just all boils down to, how you feel about yourself. If you have no problem beating up on less skilled players and dominating the lowest level league there is then good for you. If you have an ounce of integrity, respect, or self esteem you will either help out the less skilled folks or move up to get more even competition.
So if your one of those guys that skate end to end , dont pass, and score all the time in this league, good for you, your amazing, I will bow down to you and praise your awesomeness, but I WONT RESPECT YOU BECAUSE YOU DONT RESPECT THE REST OF US, YOUR TEAMMATES, OR YOURSELF.
Suck it
Tennis? No wonder you posted anonymously.
If you’ve played hockey for three quarters of your life, then you should know from your youth experience that travel players who are skilled don’t drop back into recreational teams. If you want to teach somebody, then start coaching and get off the ice during I-league games!!! Set up more practices, participate in open hockey, or drop in games. Leave the I-league alone!!! I had enough of these self appointed preacher-teachers. It is there because you think you know it all.
If after playing three quarters of your life you are still playing I league, you should try curling….
And the argument that sandbaggers are in every sport and every level is a bunch of crap. We have an opportunity to rid the I-league of sandbaggers. Let’s do it!!!!!!
you stay out of this. We are not picking up your option. You are ugly and can't read good.
If you weak anonymous pinheads aren't man enough to at least post your team and jersey number when commenting, then don't expect your argument to be read, much less considered a part of the discourse.
Don't be a Dick(ie)! I don't see your team and number...
Plus, there is an "Anonymous" choice, when posting...
My name is Dickie Dunn and I own this joint. That's all you need to know.
Sorry dickie, I wasn't taking you serious.
I would advise everyone to lay off of the beer this Saturday during games, the NHL scouts will be at NYTEX. On second thought, if I drink I won't have to leave NYTEX.
Its down to the final four folks, lets enjoy this championship saturday.
Scouts....NHL I wish my ringers would have stepped up for our team. I'd have a shot at making it to the show....maybe as a stick boy. Are they coming to tkae a look at Greg?
I have tickets to the final games for sale for $5 each seat. the more you can fit into one seat the more of a discount you get.
Monkeys #65
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