1st Practice Times have been announced, schedule to come out shortly.
This Saturday the 15th of August starting at 6:00 we have the Senators and Indians, 7:30 Bullets and Bandits, 9:00 Angels and Monkeys, 10:30 Jags and Stingers, 11:59 Mid Air.
There are 9 teams in the league now, and word on the street is that Nytex is looking to make the league only an 8 team league. This will help with the schedule once Brahmas season hits, but more importantly help cut down ont he number of late night games.
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
well just looking at the teams I think the Jags and Monkeys could form a team. Up to them though. OR! The Stingers can finally move up!! Wow I don't know about you guys but I think its time to say goodbye to those guys.
lol i like the stingers and think they should stay along with the indians and the other teams that are good. have not heard if the gators are going to have a team this season or not though so that may give you 8 right there.
#10 gators
and aren't the bandits the same as mid air?
The Indians have a Silver team that is in its first season now. Some of those players will not be returning to the Bronze league team
The Gators do not have a practice time so that means they already took them off. No the Bandits are the Hurricanes.
The Gators are out for the upcoming season. Doesnt mean they are done, just sitting a season out and regrouping.
The Hurricanes got a new coordinator in Greg Perry (of two pucks fame), and switched names to the ominous, Bandits. Perry even has some sick new jerseys that will no doubt make the uniform czar very happy.
The Jaguars are reporting a strong roster of 12-14 people. Exciting things on the horizon for the Jags.
The Senators have moved up several players to a new expansion team in the Silver League. Word on the street is that they have the best uniforms ever assembled inside the confines of the Nytex Sports Centre. The Sens are bringing in a handful of completely green new players. New coordinator Jared Johnson working on the squad.
Indians have a Silver League team as well as bronze league, and will probably be moving some folks up as well.
Stingers are the Stingers, albeit a little shaken due to injuries and the fact that they were beaten by an iron man hockey team with no subs.
Mid Air is in for the new season, no word from their camp on how many players they have, who is on the squad, etc.
Monkeys are reporting a strong roster with new coordinator James Hurley at the helm.
Arc Angels are in, no word from their camp.
Silver Bullets seem to be fine.
For the record, the best uniforms ever assembled at NYTEX belong to the Silver league Borrachos. No other jersey comes close! Look it up....
The Borrachos have nice jerseys, but they dont have matching embroidered pants, matching colored helmets, gloves, socks, and visors.
I heard they all had matching pink jocks too. =)
im just gonna throw this out there. if i was gonna play i league next season it would more than likely be for the sens. if they wanter me to. but im probably not going to at all. unless someone has a good offer for me to. haha
Zach Gunter
Monkeys need a couple of decent people on D.
if you want to play on the Sens
Hey Krajewski not sure if you were at last weekends games or not, but the Stingers lost to a team with no subs. What makes you think that they need to move up, is it because the Stingers are more skilled and coordinated than you'll ever be? I think your concerns should lie more with learning how to play the game, then who's actually in the league. There's enough there to keep you busy, trust me I've seen you play.
Why all the "Get out comments" are being directed at the Stingers, I don't know.....
Did they win the last session?
No. Did they win the session before that? No.
Another note, with all the discussions and meetings regarding ringers and equalization of talent across the board for this upcoming season finally behind us, I am wondering what good they all did. Judging from some of the players on the ice for the first practice, some teams may need some clarifying as to what actually makes a bronze league player. I'm just saying....
Oh well, it will make for another interesting drama filled season, that's for sure!
Watch your backs, fo sho!
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