I just got done talking with the big man at Nytex about these here Stanley Keg Playoffs. There have been some people asking about playoff eligibility. What is the rule on who can play for who, etc, etc, etc. So here is the deal: Players can only play for ONE team in the playoffs. Players have to play for the team they signed up on. If a player plays with his/her own team, and then later plays with another team, that team will have to forfeit their game. Players must also have played six games with a team to be eligible for the playoffs. There are a couple exceptions to this rule. 1) if a player paid their entire league fee and for whatever reason did not play 6 games he/she is eligible. 2) if a player paid the 1/2 season sub fee he/she is eligible. Talk to your coordinators if you have any questions. They can ask Knute or Chad at the Centre for clarification. The rules have been in place for as long as the league has, but probably have not been enforced as much as they should be. It would not be fair if one team was beat by another team whose bench was filled with players from another team (if you can follow that confusing sentance).
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Is that the same for goalies who have been playing for teams other then their own?
Goalies I do believe are kind of the exception to the rule. Obviously you need to stick to your main team if at all possible, but in the event that a team such as the Hurricanes doesnt have a goalie, then you can use a goalie as long as his last name is not Belfour or Turko.
You mean Choko? Lmao
ya I know Busboom is a goalie that belongs to no team so I guess he can be everyone's playoff bitch. I like these rules we wont have a repeat of last season where almost the entire team of the Ice Girls won were subs.
Yep for the low low price of $19.99
I can be your playoff bitch. I accept all major credit cards and paypal.
You go Bus!!!!!!
I bet you can fetch 6 pucks.
Lets hope we don't end up with the Silver league goalies dominating our playoffs.
Sens #2
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