Is winning that important in this league, that some teams have to resort to "Ringers" to beat the more skilled teams in our league? Could you not try to play up with what you have? Is it fair to your regular players to lose out on playing time that they are paying for, because the "Ringers" are taking it & probably not paying for it? How much do they learn sitting on the bench watching their "Ringers" light it up? I guess that feeling of beating the top teams in the "I-League" is like winning the Stanley Cup! ...And speaking of the top teams in our league & all you whiners about us moving up to the "D- League", have any of you checked out the "D-League" either here at Nytex or in Euless? NONE of our top "I-League' teams would be able to keep up with their worst "D-League" teams. Believe me, I've watched them!
Also, speaking on behalf of our team, we DO NOT bring in any "Ringers"! When we start each session, we have a roster & stick to it, whether it be regulars or subs, they are on our roster. Now granted I have signed a couple of players over the years that I did not know, & who paid & turned out to be pretty good, even though I had not seen them practice. Most of them have moved on. I would say that we may have 1-2 players that could play in the "D-League", but that's it and they are NOT "Ringers" that were brought in. They are roster players.
One way the league can tell about non-roster players, "Ringer" players, or players that play 5 different teams, is to: (1) make sure you have same colored & numbered jerseys.(2) when you turn in your line up for each game, to the scorekeeper, the league could tell whose paid or not & who is a roster player. If they have a different colored jersey or a number that's not on their original roster, then they would have to forfeit. (only goalies are exempt from all this) I know it won't completely stop all the crap, but it's a start.
This is simple stuff, guys. Its about being a TEAM.
Reggie Dunlop
Stingers Player-Coach
Iron Man of the I-League
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
If Nytex would just charge about $30 more per person for the league fees, they could make up jerseys in the hockey shop. Then you would knock out having same jerseys, and keep the hockey shop in business which are both a good thing. I think each team should have matching jerseys, otherwise it looks like open hockey out there.
I think that is a great idea. As for the Stingers I think most of us agree that you might not win the league in the Silver league and we know you do not bring ringers in but it is the fact that you guys have been playing together for so long and in the I-League for so long. Don't you want to see if you can compete in the Silver league? ALso, if they moved the Bronze to Fridays and Silver to Saturdays what would you guys do?
That Sunday night game with 7 different colored jerseys was a B*#ch to ref. I made a couple of mistakes on icing and covers by the goalies mistaking defensemen for forwards. Light blue playing with orange,black and red vs White and yellow. Every team should be required to have matching or at least the same color jerseys. That is the responsability of the Coordinators and the team. If you look like a team you will play more like a team. Team jerseys are a very small investment comparativly speaking when shared by the whole team. If Money is an issue use Lightblue,Gold so one color jersey is all thats needed. Some Ref's and leagues won't even let players play if the teams don't have uniform color jerseys. Hallsy
If they moved Silver to Saturday I believe we would move. Our goalie works nights Mon- Fri and can only play on Saturday. Our goalie, Dana and I have been friends for 10 years and have only been playing hockey for 3 yrs. There are 3-4 of us that are friends and play for the Stingers because that's the only time we get to hang out. If you are willing to play during the week then let's move Bronze to week nights and Silver to Saturday and then you won't have to worry about ringers playing in your league. These guys aren't there to boost egos, they're there to play on Saturdays.
I am here to kick some ass and drink some beer. I dont give a shit what night that happens on.
What NYTEX ought to do is call it like it is, A gold league, a Silver league and an Open league.
Since the Open league has player from "never skated before" to teams that have played together for 3 or 4 years.
"Hey, Dunlop, you old fart. Why don't you get outta the game and let some..."
We're gonna spin some music while we wait for our next caller. Before you do that, I know a lot of kids would enjoy coming to the games to see a great veteran like Reggie skate. While we wait for our next caller, we'd like to remind you folks calling in to keep your questions within the boundaries of good taste.
The Stingers bring the same basic group of guys every week. I respect that. The Senators get a lot of crap about ringers as well but the truth is, we roll with the same group every week and it's about playing as a team. What frustrates me is teams that bring a different group of people every week and recruit some extra big guns when they play a tougher team. Every time I play against the Stingers I know what to expect. When we play the Gators I know its going to be neck and neck for 45 minutes. What I don't like, is playing against some team that shows a different line up every game. I think its really unfair for those people who have paid their fees and taken the time to get jerseys and really participate in this league.
Senators Goalie
I know the Spider Monkeys have a large cadre of players to pull from out of nessesity. A large segment of the team work jobs that require odd shift work or travel. Yes, you never know what you'll get from week to week but I can assure you, the cadre pulled from is the same week end and week out.
So it's clear we have some diamonds. But apparently the diamonds are mixed in with the poo poo, so it all look like poo poo.
I don't think the stingers use any ringers. In fact, I like this league - it's coming around. Issue ID cards so everybody can only play for one team. The skill level is a little higher than Euless I league so it's kinda between I and D league.
97 Angels
Great Post. We need to come up with a good basic plan of action and stick with it. For the price of two open hockey sessions you can get a jersey with a number on it. Last time I checked their are no rainbows in a hockey games. We need a few rules to firm up rosters and subs. As far as full teams go,we all know who the Stingers roll out each week. They are strong because they work together as a team. I would like to see them take on a few beginners once in a while. I reference the Gators, Sens, and Indians Who each week roll the same players. Guess what the young guys on these teams have all improved and will probably be starring in the Silver league next Fall. The Bronze league should develop players to become better, while some of us 40 or 50 somethings will at best be a D-leaguer. As far as ringers go Coordinators do we really need Gold leaguer or A players out there, do we need collegiant level goalies? Lets try to police ourselves. I appreciate and enjoy the competition on the ice. Lets drink some beer have some fun and get some new players to come out.
I have been on ice almost a year now and it is the most fun I can remember.
Sens #2
So Fred you want me to call off Ed Belfour, Mike Modano, and Sergei Zubov for this week?
Just Modano. The other two are broken and would fit in perfect with our league......
well actually we the gators did pick up two new people for those of you who dont know but yeah we will be rolling out the same team for the most part each week for the rest of the season. we lost two people so two of my friends who i love playing hockey with and have the most fun with will be playing the rest of season. and ive already got the ok from hall and what not so yeah. i dont want to hear complaints about they are hear to help our team.
Zach Gunter #21 GATORS!!
Those Gators are loading their roster for the big showdown in the playoffs against hated rivals, the Senators. The ice will turn red when these two bitter rivals hit the ice. I will be enjoying the contest from the luxury boxes.
It seems the Gators kicked off two players so they can add on 2 ringers for the playoff run. I wonder if the Jedi goalie will play with them again.
really? the jedi goalie who played forward for the gators does yalls stupidity know no bounds? ringers really? i believe they played last week and oh yeah we got shut out 6 to nothing. so last time i checked a ringer is a person who can score goals at will and do whatever they want. and im playing goalie this week for the second time ever in my life so if the spider monkeys can score then theres really something wrong with them.
Zach Gunter
Zach, i'll be coming for you!
Monkey 65
Well when a goalie has the best stats in the Silver and is the best goalie in the silver league you would think he would be able to play great against an I League team. But no he is not a ringer.
I hope that thing about best goalie and whatever about silver league was not directed at the gators because if you're going by I roster on the leaguelineup its completely screwed up. and I look forward to it I like to try new things so why not give goalie a try. and I don't want to hear anyone complain because we played against the hurricanes last week and they had a junior hockey player playing for them and so yeah none of yall have had to play against someone who actually gets paid to play hockey. but I don't care we lost oh well you can't win them all and life isn't fair and no adult hockey leagues are. I just want to see the rules enforced the way the are written where a player is allowed to play one league down if he has played higher than that then we should start talking forfeit and all that. but yeah so kyle kelley is an eligible I league player because as a skater he has never played higher than bronze he just has naturally gifted hands. we didn't cry that the senators should forfeit because mac scores like what an average of three goals a game but kyle scores three goals in a game once and everyone is flipping shit I would like to know why?
Zach Gunter GATORS
Gunter do not flatter yourself. No one was talking about you being a goalie ringer. They were reffering to the Jedi goalie that played against the Senators early in the season. You can say all you want about how Bruno was out of town and stuff but still you got him to play because you were playing a good team and wanted to win. Why didn't you step in to play goalie for that game to try it. That is what the league is all about devolpment. Ryan Kelly is the definition of moving up. Yeah he played high school as a goalie but do you really think he never learned how to skate or play out? Come on. Also, the reason why Mac scores all the goals for the Senators is because he is the only one on that roster that should move up solely. Other teams have 2 to 4 macs that score all the goals so it is spread out and does not look the same.
first of all i know no one was talking about me as a ringer goalie and as i talked to rush and we both remember oh yeah bruno was there for both games against the sens this season. yall are thinking of the mid air collision goalie nice try tho. and who was talking about ryan kelley i was talking about kyle so really learn how to read and get your facts straight before you go calling me out. and its probably a good thing you didnt put your name because you just made a fool of yourself.
Zach Gunter #21 the one who has 8 points on the season but should only play silver lmfao!!
Yeah I was wrong. I must of had to many beers when I wrote that. Oh well everyone has those kinds of moments. Nice job at goalie last night by the way Gunter.
haha its cool youre right it does happen and yeah im a terrible goalie and it was very boring i dont have the patience to play goalie haha. but yeah thanks even tho im really sucking at hockey in general right now. i cant score i cant stop anyone or anything.i cant even put a pass where i want to right now. my whole game has been falling apart since rush took my confidence away.
Zach Gunter 21 Gator
Pimpin' ain't easy
MEXICO!!!!!!!!! Just think of how good he could be if he had any type of Defense..... 53 shots on goal. His defenders are porous at best, but they do have a lot of heart.... Great job against the hated Stingers.
Sens #2
porous defender extroidinaire (latin for I suck)
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