This little site started out as a fun way for me to get to know all the people I play against, and man did it explode! Lots of you guys have told me how much you enjoy it and if I go more than a couple of days not putting some info up, I hear about it from all of you.
I would love to spend an hour a day posting stuff here but I have to work to pay for my hockey, so I don't always have time to add fresh stuff every day.
I have invited a couple of people to join me in being contributing authors to the blog, so that we can keep making this a fun, dynamic place to waste time. Remember that you don't have to be an author to comment on the posts, and you can always email me (I know the last couple weeks I haven't even checked that email, but now I have it set up to automatically hit my phone so I get notified immediately.)
Think you have what it takes to contribute to this thing of ours? Come talk to me. Don't know how to find me at the rink? If you don't know, ask somebody. :)
-Dickie Dunn
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
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