Where we've been:
Let's recap the ultimate sacrifices we have all made For Our Beloved Sparta!
Week 1: Scheduling changes and delays in the start of the season because the Brahmas take priority over the Bronze League Show.
Week 2: Fog due to Dehumidifier breakage.
Week 3: Chiller Pipe breaks and No Ice means No Games.
Week 4 (technically still week 3): Long week of ice preparation and players pitching in late nights to get the ice prepared, capped off with in last minutes Saturday scheduling changes, drama, and still one game to be played.
Not to mention that the Jaguars have forfeited every game so far because their roster is lacking.
Where we Are:
There is one game yet to be played between the Tomcast Senators and the Mid Air Collision, but other than that, the standings above are where we are at for the moment.
Where we Are Going:
We can all relax for the Memorial Day weekend, and pick up where we left off on Saturday, May 30th.
Be sure to attend the 1st Annual Memorial Day Armed Forces Game at NYTEX! Details are listed over on the left at the top of the page.
-Dickie Dunn
A Few Words On Healthcare
1 month ago
Brutal start for sure this season. The ice thing was out of control. Good news is May 30th we get back on track and can look forward to a REAL playoff format.
Three cheers for those who came out and made it happen. Lets settle in after the holiday and have some fun. Lets help the Jags get a roster so they can play games that count.
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